Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias Empresariais e Turismo
PCEO Grado en Turismo/Grado en Geografía e Historia
  Tourism marketing
Topic Sub-topic
Subject 1. Introduction: tourist Marketing 1.1. Definition and concept of marketing 1.2. Approaches in the marketing management
Subject 2: Characteristics of service and of tourism marketing 2.1 Characteristics of service marketing
2.2 Management strategies for service companies
2.3 The model of service provision
Subject 3. Potential market, demand of market and market quota 3.1. Definition of the concept of market 3.2. Potential market 3.3. Quota of potential market and quota of participation
Subject 4. The marketing planning (introduction) 4.1. The strategic marketing plan
4.2. The marketing strategies
Subject 5. The marketing information system 5.1. Evaluation of the needs of marketing information 5.2. The commercial investigation
Subject 6. The consumer behaviour 6.1. Factors that affect consumer purchase behaviour 6.2. Models of consumer behaviour
Subject 7. The market segmentation 7.1. The segmentation 7.2. Process and strategies of segmentation 7.3 Positioning
Subject 8. Marketing Mix 8.1 Design and management of the product 8.2 Considerations on the price 8.3 Distribution Channels 8.4 Product Promotion
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