Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Historia
Máster Universitario en Valoración, xestión e protección do patrimonio cultural
  Técnicas non destructivas para a avaliación do patrimonio cultural inmoble
   Bibliografía. Fontes de información
Bibliografía Básica Belén Riveiro, Mercedes Solla, Non-Destructive Techniques for the Evaluation of Structures and Infrastructure, CRC Press - Taylor and Francis, 2016
Bibliografía Complementaria Luisa Maria da Silva Gonçalves, Hugo Rodrigues, Florindo Gaspar, Nondestructive Techniques for the Assessment and Preservation of Historic Structures, CRC Press - Taylor and Francis, 2017
Dean Goodman, Salvatore Piro, GPR Remote Sensing in Archaeology, Springer, 2013
Kylily, A., Fokaides, P., Christou, P., Kalogirou, S., Infrared thermography (IRT) applications for building diagnostics: A review., 2014
Solla, M., Riveiro, B., Lagüela, S., Puente, I., Optical and Electromagnetic Sensing for the Inspection and Characterization of Ancient Masonry Arch Bridges, Taylor & Francis, 2017
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