Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Historia
Máster Universitario en Valoración, Gestión y Protección del Patrimonio Cultural
  Territorial and Cultural Landscape
Topic Sub-topic
1. Historical organization of the territory 1.1. Unities of management of the traditional space: of the precedents altomedievais to the parroquia like basic cell.
1.2. Administrative territorial division: political (province), fiscal (party) and judicial (jurisdictions and cotos). The constitutional reform.
1.3. Local territorial organization: counties, earths and merindades; señoríos; city councils versus parroquias (city councils of parroquia).
2. Territory and landscape. 2.1. Rural heritage (aldeas- parroquias and his bequeathed cultural) / Heritage "semiurbano" (associated to villas coastal, fluvial and of inner).
2.2. Ecclesiastical heritage (monasterios and houses rectorales) / Heritage laico (pazos).
3. Methodology for the analysis of the cultural landscape. 2.1. Identification and characterization.
2.2. Interpretation and assessment.
4. Study of case. 4.1. Presentation and pautas of realization.
4.2. Some proposals.
4.3. Elaboración And editorial of the work.
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