Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Historia
Máster Universitario en Valoración, Gestión y Protección del Patrimonio Cultural
  Legal Protection of Cultural Heritage
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Introductory activities Participation in theoretical classes and forums of the discipline 10 A4
Seminars Online assessment tests (test type tests) will be carried out, on the contents of the subject (topics 1 and 2) - on the explanations of the teacher's seminars - on the date indicated and whose information will be from the beginning of the course available on the MooVi platform.The learning outcome evaluated is: Understand the key concepts around cultural heritage, at the legal level, for their academic training and professional development through a coherent and orderly synthesis of the abundant and dispersed legal corpus in this area. 40 B1
Case studies The work and projects proposed by the teacher will be carried out, using remote delivery tools on the indicated date and whose information will be from the beginning of the course available on the MooVi platform.The result of learning evaluated is: To train the student to develop projects and work in the heritage field with sufficient legal knowledge, through eminently practical declasses. 25 C3
Problem solving The work and projects proposed by the teacher will be carried out, using remote delivery tools on the indicated date and whose information will be from the beginning of the course available on the mooVi platform.The learning result evaluated is: the critical analysis of aspects related to Cultural Heritage 25 B1
Other comments on the Evaluation

According to the
provisions of the "Regulation on the evaluation, qualification and quality
of teaching and the learning process of the student body of the University of
Vigo", of 2023, there are two evaluation systems that students can choose:
the preferred, which will be applied by default, of "continuous
evaluation" (tests and diversified activities that take place throughout
the semester),  and the so-called
"global evaluation" (exams and / or delivery of work / exercises to
be carried out on the official evaluation dates established in the academic
calendar), which must be expressly requested by the interested students, and
communicated to the responsible teaching staff within a maximum period of 31
days from the beginning of each semester.

The "global
assessment" tests of this subject will consist of the following: in the
same as in the continuous assessment.

Students have
two calls/opportunities for evaluation. The first takes place during the
teaching semester. The second (or 2nd opportunity) will be held in July, for
which access to the teaching platform will be enabled again.

For the
successful completion of the subject, it is advisable to follow the schedule
that will be accessible at the beginning of the Master (MooVi), which will facilitate
the proper realization of the activities planned by the teacher. No activity or
work submitted after the deadline will be evaluated. It is advisable to ask any
questions to the teacher of the subject to be able to correct it as soon as
possible and not wait for the deadline of delivery.

The evaluation
of the ordinary call and the second call will be carried out in the same way,
with the same requirements.

This subject is
English Friendly, which implies the following commitment: The subject is taught
in Spanish but the teacher translated the teaching guide into English;
Materials and bibliographic references will be provided for the follow-up of
the subject in English, tutorials will be attended in English, if demanded by
the international student, and tests and evaluations will be designed and
implemented in English (all this will be done if the international student
demands it).

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000