Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Historia
Grado en Geografía e Historia
  Ancient History of the Iberian Peninsula
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Introductory activities Activities aimed at making contact and gathering information about the previous knowledge of the students, as well as presenting the subject.
Activities through the Moovi platform or the Remote Classroom
Lecturing The teaching material used in the classroom will be uploaded in advance to the tele-teaching platform, as well as other documents with theoretical content that facilitate the understanding of the syllabus taught.
Exhibition by the teaching staff of the fundamental keys of each of the thematic blocks.
Classes will be recorded and uploaded to Moovi.
Workshops Activities focused on working on a specific topic, which allow deepening or completing the contents of the subject. It can be used as a complement to theoretical classes.
Classroom activities or through the Moovi platform.
Scientific events Two hours are reserved for attending cross-themed activities organized by the Department of History, Art and Geography and/or the Faculty of History.
Although attendance at this activity is not mandatory, attendance is highly recommended, either in person or, if applicable, through the Remote Classroom.
Mentored work Work carried out in groups, aimed at fostering a critical spirit, knowledge of historical facts and the vision of them from various supports today. The assignment of work must be resolved in the first month of the semester.
Seminars Face-to-face or virtual sessions aimed at monitoring and guidance on the study of the contents, preparation of activities and evaluation tests and clarification of the various doubts that arise about aspects of the subject.
Presentation The presentations and exhibitions are related to the tutored work and will be exposed in the classroom (physical or remote) and through Moovi.
The learning outcomes evaluated are:
Knowledge of the main concepts of General History or of the Iberian Peninsula.
Knowledge of the diachronic structure of History.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000