Educational guide 2023_24
Facultade de Historia
Grado en Geografía e Historia
  Geography: spaces and societies
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Essay questions exam Tests that include open questions envelope a subject. The students owes to develop, relate, organize and present the knowledges they have about the subject in a reasoned answer.
The results of learning evaluated are: Knowledge and analysis of the geographical reality in scales space-temporary global, European and local, communicating the reflection envelope the same us have and suitable geographical procedures; Understanding of the geographical phenomena how demonstration of complex relations between physical variables, human and partner-economic.
40 A3
Objective questions exam The students will make a questionnaire reasoned, of analysis and interpretation of the thematic topics.
The results of learning evaluated are: Knowledge and analysis of the geographic reality in scales space-global storms, European and local, communicating the reflection on to same us have and suitable geographic procedures; Understanding of the geographic phenomena how demonstration of complex relations between physical variables, human and partner-economic.
20 A3
Essay The students will present the results obtained (documentation and defense) on the development of a theme of the subject in an applied aspect (includes evaluation of the use of ICTs).
The learning outcomes evaluated are: Knowledge and training for the selection, management and processing of information and geographic data in a disciplinary and multi-disciplinary context; Ability to carry out work, using qualitative and quantitative techniques, and value for diversity and social welfare.
30 B3
Systematic observation Monitoring and active participation of students in the classroom, in the field and on the tele-teaching platform.
The learning outcomes evaluated are: Knowledge and training for the choice, management and treatment of information and geographic data in a disciplinary and multidisciplinary context
10 A3
Other comments on the Evaluation

evaluation systems are established: continuous assessment (tests and activities
carried out throughout the semester) and global assessment (official exam dates
for each evaluation opportunity established in the academic calendar), between
which students can choose.  To pass the
continuous evaluation, students must achieve a minimum grade of 50% in each
evaluation item. In the event of not reaching the minimum grade in any of the
evaluation items, the highest possible grade will be the highest within the
failing range (Art. 32.2 Regulamento sobre a Avaliación da Universidade de
Vigo, 2023).

students have fulfil the minimum requirements of necessary presence for the
continuous assessment. Likewise have to attend and make the proofs that teacher
have like indispensable. The follow-up make trough the following resources:
virtual Course in the platform *Moodle (*MooVi, *UVigo) and e-mail.
Face-to-face teaching: follow-up in the classroom. Teaching no face-to-face:
Remote Campus (link in *MooVi).

students that receive to the modality *semipresencial* must follow the subject
by the Virtual Course in the MooVi platform, that allow the access to the
precise materials for achieve the results of learning. The use of the materials
offer to students in *MooVi have to respect the rights of author, and ben described
with a zero any proof or examination in which they copy " in the
substantial extraneous works (*dle-scrape).

For all the
students will specify in *MooVi the methodology, the activities, assessment,
together with the calendar of delivery (face-to-face or remote) that remain
clearly established. The follow-up of each student (use of the TIC) will give
own tools of the platform.

students that choose to be evaluated by the modality of "global
assessment" have to communicate it to the teacher in the term of 31
working days from the start of each *cuatrimestre ((artigo 19.4 do Regulamento
sobre a avaliación, a calificación e a calidade da docencia e do proceso de
aprendizaxe do estudantado da Universidade de Vigo, do 2023). Students who
choose the global assessment modality will be evaluated on the subject's
program through a theoretical exam (40%) and a mandatory assignment to be
agreed upon with the instructors of the course (60%).

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000