Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias
Grado en Ingeniería Agraria
  Overview of chemistry
Topic Sub-topic
1.- Thermochemistry Chemical energy, change and conservation of the energy, functions of state, work and expansion, energy and enthalpy, Hess's law.
2.- Entropy and Gibbs energy Spontaneous processes, entropy, second and third principles, Gibbs energy.
3.- Chemical Equilibrium Concept of chemical equlibrium, constants of equilibrium, homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria, principle of Le Châtelier.
4.- Acids and bases. Acid-base Equilibrium Acid and base concepts, pH, strength of acids and bases, constants of ionisation, acid-base properties of salts. Buffer solutions. Acid-base titration.
5.-Solubility Equilibrium Constant of the solubility product. Solubility and molar solubility. Precipitation. Common ion effect. Complex ion formation.
6.- Electrochemical Redox reactions, galvanic cells, standard potentials of reduction, thermodynamics of redox reactions, Nernst equation.
7.- Chemical Kinetics Reaction rate, rate equation, integrated equations, activation energy, Arrhenius equation, mechanisms, catalysis.
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