Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias
Grado en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos
  Science and technology of fish related products
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Lecturing Lessons *magistrales in which they will expose the most important appearances of the subject to the student, with support of presentations in Power *Point, blackboard and transparency and with available material *FAITIC
Seminars Will carry out different activities oriented to specific subjects related with the Science and the Technology of the Products *Pesqueros, that allow to deepen and complement the lessons *magistrales. They will elaborate works using different tools TIC to apply the learning *colaborativo in the classroom and out of her. It will work of individual form or in group.
Laboratory practical They made activities where will apply the skills and knowledges purchased in the theoretical classes. Under the supervision of the professor, the students will carry out these activities following the protocols and using the materials supplied during the practices. The practical will be compulsory and indispensable to surpass the subject. It will allow a fault as long as this was justified. The students will have to elaborate a memory of practices.
Studies excursion They will make , whenever the sanitary situation allow it, visits to companies related with the industry *pesquera
Mentored work They will elaborate works using different tools TIC to apply the learning *colaborativo in the classroom and out of her. It will work of individual form or in group. The student will have to make bibliographic researches, collected of information, editorial, exhibition and defence of the work. It will make a follow-up of the work in *tutorías.
Seminars Will carry out different activities oriented to specific subjects related with the Science and the Technology of the Products *Pesqueros, that allow to deepen and complement the lessons *magistrales.
Autonomous problem solving They will propose practical cases and activities to do of autonomous form
Presentation The students will elaborate of individual form or in group a work on some/you of the subject/*s proposed, that will be in relation with some concrete appearance of the subject. The student will have to make bibliographic researches, collected of information, editorial, exhibition and defence of the work.
Learning-Service It offers him to the *estudiantado participate of voluntary form in the project "Feeding a sustainable future" devoted to the production and the responsible consumption, the hunger zero, the industry of foods and the innovation. The participation will be voluntary. The students participants will receive material of support that will have to expand by means of bibliographic research. They will work in team. They will make on-line informative activities and/or face-to-face in format of day/workshop/chats in the centres involved. The application of this methodology is conditioned to his approval in the announcement *ApS 22-23. For the students that do not participate in this activity, this methodology will be substituted by individual works or in group.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000