Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias
Grado en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos
  Introduction to chemical engineering
Topic Sub-topic
SUBJECT 1) Introduction 1. Definitions of Chemical Engineering
2. Chemical industry and Basic Operations
3. Classification of the Basic Operations
SUBJECT 2) mathematical physical instruments 1. Systems of magnitudes and units
2. Conversion of units
3. Uncertainty. Theory of errors
4. Methods of resolution of equations
5. Linear regression
6. Numerical integration
7. Graphic differentiation
SUBJECT 3) Laws of conservation. General formulation of balances 1. Laws of conservation of matter, energy and quantity of movement
2. Macroscopic and microscopic systems
3. General approach of balances
SUBJECT 4) Material balances 1. Introduction
2. Calculation Base
3. Atomic balances
4. Biphasic systems in equilibrium
SUBJECT 5) Energy balances 1. General formulation of the macroscopic balance of energy
2. Enthalpy balances
3. Heat exchanged in transformations at constant pressure
4. Hess's Law
SUBJECT 6) Principles of kinetical and ideal reactors 1. Rate of reaction and the rate equation
2. Analysis of the kinetics equation
3. Ideal reactors
SUBJECT 7) Introduction to the control of processes 1. Definitions and basic concepts
3. Instrumentation
4. Analysis and design of control systems
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