Guia docente 2024_25
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Image and video analysis
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Objective questions exam Each part of the subject has theoretical concepts that are explained in class. The concepts are assessed through these tests, that are also formally linked to the delivery of each guided task. They are meant to grade each student individually. They help to assess general competence A82.
The concepts are discussed in class and also individually through the e-learning platform and/or counseling hours.
30 B10
Report of practices, practicum and external practices Each part of the subject is learnt through a hands-on guided task. Most of the teacher's time is devoted to discuss, both in group and individually, how to go step by step through the process of building a solution. The score of the guided task includes: the follow-up of each student, the techniques used, the results achieved, the quality of the report and the oral presentation of the last one. The guided tasks help to assess general competences A4, A82, B1 and B3.
70 B4
Other comments on the Evaluation

The language of instruction and assessment is English.

Attendance in Continuous Assessment (CA) is mandatory, except under exceptional circumstances. CA is used to evaluate the course, based on the student's work in the laboratory and assignments related to the course content.

There is a Global Assessment (GA) exam on the official date set by the School Board, for students who have not passed CA and wish to pass the course. This GA exam will be graded from 0 to 10 points and includes all course topics along with concepts and techniques explained in the assignments. To pass, the student must score at least five points. Students who wish to improve their CA grade may also take this exam, in which case the final course grade will be the higher of the CA grade or the GA grade.

Throughout the semester, students will receive feedback on their progress in CA, along with the grades of each assignment and associated tests. Submitting any assignment or test constitutes official participation in CA, implying that the student has registered for the course even if they do not take the final exam.

The extraordinary opportunity at the end of the academic year will consist of an exam for students who have not passed either CA or GA. The course grade will be the grade of this extraordinary exam. This exam will be graded from 0 to 10 points and includes all course topics. To pass, the student must score at least five points.

In conducting academic activities for this course, the use of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) is permitted and encouraged. Its use should be ethical, critical, and responsible. If GAI is used, any results it provides should be critically evaluated, and any citations or references generated should be carefully verified. Additionally, the use of such tools must be declared. Failure to declare their use will be considered another form of plagiarism.

If plagiarism is detected in any tests or assignments, the final grade will be FAIL (0) and the incident will be reported to the school administration for appropriate action.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000