Guia docente 2020_21
Escola de Enxeñaría Aeronáutica e do Espazo
Grado en Ingeniería Aeroespacial
  Mathematics: Mathematical methods
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Problem solving Realization in an autonomous way of a collection of problems of each block of content.

LO1, LO2
40 B2
Essay questions exam Realization of a final exam in which they collect the corresponding contents to the master sessions and to the resolution of problems.

LO1, LO2
60 B2
Other comments on the Evaluation

case of not attending class in person, mixed or non-face-to-face teaching, in
order to be eligible for the evaluation it is essential to upload an updated
photo to the platform in order to identify the students.

In any call it is necessary to obtain 5 points to pass the subject. The maximum duration of any exam will be 3 hours. Since the subject has two distinct parts, it will be necessary to have a minimum of 2 points out of 5 in each part. In the case of
obtaining a grade lower than 2 points in any of the parts, the final
grade that will appear in the certificate will be the sum of both notes
limiting it to a maximum of 4.8 points. (*)

Second chance evaluation  (attendees):

An examination will be carried out to assess the learning outcomes and
the achievement of the competences indicated in the teacher's guide. This exam will provide 100% of the rating of this call.

the case of having obtained a minimum of 3.5 points in one part (and
not having reached 2 points in the other part), the student can choose
to perform only the suspended part or the complete exam. The criterion indicated in (*) will also apply.

Procedure of evaluation for non-attendees (any call):

An examination will be carried out to assess the learning outcomes and
the achievement of the competences indicated in the teacher's guide. This exam will provide 100% of the rating of this call. The criterion indicated in (*) will also apply.

Evaluation dates:

evaluation schedule officially approved by the EEAE is published on the website

It is expected that the students present a suitable ethical
behaviour. In case to detect an ethical behaviour no suitable (copy, plagiarism, utilisation of electronic devices non authorised, and others) will consider that the student does not gather the necessary requirements to surpass the subject. In this case the global qualification in the present academic course will be of suspense

It remembers the prohibition of the use of mobile devices or portable computers in exercises and practical since the Royal decree 1791/2010, of 30 December, by which approves the Statute of the University Student, establishes in his article 13.2.d), relative to the duties of the university students, the duty of :

"Abstain of the utilisation or cooperation in fraudulent procedures in the proofs of evaluation, in the works that realise or in official documents of the university".
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000