Guia docente 2023_24
Facultade de Comunicación
Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas
  Language: Advertising language in Spanish
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Mentored work The students will have to do, in group, an oral exhibition that will center in the analysis of the language of the advertising. 40 A1
Autonomous problem solving The students will have to deliver a series of practical exercices, guided by the professor in which they will have to:
a) analyze the advertising language;
b) demonstrate their textual competence.
30 A1
Essay questions exam There xill be a final proof of development, in the that the students will have to show that they have purchased the contents of the course and that have a good linguistic competition in Spaniard. 30 A1
Other comments on the Evaluation

A continuous evaluation will be done through the follow-up of the students in the classroom work, through the oral presentation of the work and the performance of tests. Oral competence, written competence and the learning and acquisition of skills and knowledge related to advertising language will be evaluated.

To pass the subject, students will have to do all the work stipulated by the teacher (class work, tutored work, oral presentations) and the final test. The delivery of practices or exercises proposed will have to be done on the date established by the teacher. Outside this period they will not be admitted. In the case of not completing all the proposed tasks, the student will not be able to benefit from the continuous evaluation and will have to take the final exam on the date established by the center.

The final grade will be the sum of all the grades obtained in the different tests.

Students will be able to check the official dates of the exams on the faculty website, at the link:

NOTICE: The copy or plagiarism of works, that is, copying in the substantial works of others, giving them as their own, will suppose the loss of the right to continuous evaluation

2nd chance

Students who do not meet the requirements for continuous assessment may take a single exam in July, on the officially stipulated date. This exam will have a theoretical part and a practical part (written and oral).

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