Choose A
Code |
Training and Learning Results |
A1 |
(CB6) Have and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context |
A2 |
(CB7) That the students know how to apply the acquired knowledge and their problem-solving capacity in new or little-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study |
A3 |
(CB8) That the students are able to integrate knowledges and confront to the complexity to formulate trials from an information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of his knowledges and trials. |
A4 |
(CB9) That the students know to communicate their conclusions and knowledges and reasons that support to specialised and no specialised public in a clear and unambiguous way. |
A5 |
(CB10) That the students possess the skills of learning that allow them continue studying of a way that must greatly be self-directed or authonomous. |
Choose B
Code |
Knowledge |
B1 |
Ability to project, calculate and design products, processes and installations in all areas of computer engineering. |
B2 |
Ability to manage works and install computer systems, complying with current regulations and ensuring the quality of service. |
B3 |
Ability to direct, schedule and supervise multidisciplinary teams |
B4 |
Ability for mathematical modeling, calculation and simulation in technology and business engineering centers, particularly in research, development and innovation tasks in all areas related to Computer Engineering |
B5 |
Capacity for the development, strategic planning, direction, coordination and technical and economic management of projects in all areas of Computer Engineering following quality and environmental criteria. |
B6 |
Capacity for general management, technical management and management of research, development and innovation projects, in companies and technology centers, in the field of Computer Engineering |
B7 |
Ability to start, direct and manage computer equipment manufacturing projects, guaranteeing safety for people and goods, the final quality of products and their approval |
B8 |
Ability to apply the acquired knowledge and solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader and multidisciplinary contexts, being able to integrate this knowledge |
B9 |
Ability to understand and apply ethical responsibility, legislation and professional ethics of the activity of the profession of Computer Engineer |
B10 |
Ability to apply the principles of economics and human resource management and projects, as well as the legislation, regulation and standardization of IT |
Choose C
Code |
Skill |
C1 |
Ability to integrate technologies, applications, services and systems typical of Computer Engineering, with a general character, and in broader and multidisciplinary contexts. |
C2 |
Capacity for strategic planning, preparation, direction, coordination, and technical and economic management in the fields of Computer Engineering related, among others, with: systems, applications, services, networks, infrastructures or computer facilities and centers or factories for the development of software, respecting or adequately complying with two criteria of quality and environment in multidisciplinary work environments. |
C3 |
Ability to manage research, development and innovation projects in companies and technology centers, guaranteeing safety for people and goods, the final quality of products and their approval. |
C4 |
Ability to model, design, define the architecture, implement, manage, operate, administer and maintain applications, networks, systems, services and computer content. |
C5 |
Ability to understand and know how to apply the operation and organization of the Internet, new generation network technologies and protocols, component models, intermediary software and services. |
C6 |
Ability to ensure, manage, audit and certify the quality of IT developments, processes, systems, services, applications and products. |
C7 |
Ability to design, develop, manage and evaluate security assurance certification mechanisms for information processing and access in a local or distributed processing system. |
C8 |
C9 |
C10 |
C11 |
C12 |
C13 |
C14 |
C15 |
C16 |
C17 |
C18 |
C19 |
Capacidade para optimizar as políticas de seguridade da infraestrutura da rede dunha entidade |
C20 |
Capacidade para manexar correctamente sistemas operativos, redes e linguaxes de programación dende o punto de vista da seguridade informática e das comunicacións |
C21 |
Capacidade para deseñar, desenvolver e xestionar mecanismos de seguridade no tratamento e acceso á información nun sistema de procesamiento local ou distribuido |
Choose D
Code |
Competences |
D1 |
Develop an espíritu innovative and emprendedor |
D2 |
Capacity for the dirección of teams and organizations |
D3 |
Capacity of leadership |
D4 |
Capacity to communicate knowledge and conclusions to públicos especializados and no especializados, of oral way and written |
D5 |
Capacity of work in team |
D6 |
Skills of relations interpersonales |
D7 |
Capacity of reasoning crítico and creativity |
D8 |
Responsibility and commitment ético in the desempeñor of the professional activity |
D9 |
Respect and promoción of the human rights, the principles democráticos, the principles of equality between men and women, of solidarity, of universal accessibility and diseñor for all |
D10 |
Orientation to quality and continuous improvement |
D11 |
Capacity of learning autónomo |
D12 |
Capacity to resolve problems in new surroundings or little known inside contexts más wide or multidisciplinares |
D13 |
Capacity to integrate knowledges and enfrentarse to the complexity to formulate trials from an información incomplete |
D14 |
Capacity to comprise the meaning and aplicación of the perspective of género in the distinct ámbitos of knowledge and in the práctica professional with the aim to achieve a society más fair and igualitaria |
D15 |
Capacity to communicate oralmente and by writing in tongue gallega |
D16 |
Sostenibilidad And environmental commitment. Use equitativo, responsible and eficiente of the resources |
Universidade de Vigo
Reitoría |
Campus Universitario |
C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) |
Spain |
Tlf: +34 986 812 000