Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Máster Universitario en Enxeñaría Industrial

1st Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
V04M141V01101 Advanced Electrical Technology 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01102 Installations and Electrical Machines 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01103 Materials Engineering 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01104 Physics Extended 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01105 Fluid Machines 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01106 Mathematical Methods in Industrial Engineering 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01107 Design and Testing of Machines 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01108 Elasticity and Resistance of Materials 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01109 Industrial Manufacturing 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01110 Refurbishment of Signal and Sensors 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01111 Control and Industrial Automation Engineering 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01112 Thermal Technology I 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01113 Integrated Manufacturing Systems 1st
Mandatory 3
V04M141V01114 Mechanical Engineering Design 1st
Mandatory 3
V04M141V01115 Thermal Technology II 1st
Mandatory 3
V04M141V01116 Hydraulic Machines 1st
Mandatory 3
V04M141V01117 Design of Chemical Processes 1st
Mandatory 3
V04M141V01118 Design of Industrial Electronic Systems 1st
Mandatory 4.5
V04M141V01119 Industrial Automation and Control 1st
Mandatory 4.5
V04M141V01120 Construction, Urban Planning and Infrastructures 1st
Mandatory 3
V04M141V01121 Industrial Statistics Applied to Engineering 1st
Mandatory 6
V04M141V01201 Electrical Power Systems 2nd
Mandatory 6
V04M141V01202 Advanced Integrated Manufacturing Systems 2nd
Optional 3
V04M141V01203 Advanced Mechanical Engineering Design 2nd
Optional 3
V04M141V01205 Thermal Engineering II 2nd
Optional 3
V04M141V01206 Design of Hydro-pneumatic and Industrial Machines 2nd
Optional 3
V04M141V01207 Advanced Design of Industrial Electronic Systems 2nd
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01208 Advanced Industrial Automation Control 2nd
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01209 Construction, Urban Planning and Advanced Infrastructures 2nd
Optional 3
V04M141V01210 Industrial Statistics Applied to Engineering 2nd
Mandatory 6
V04M141V01211 Design and Calculation of Structures 2nd
Mandatory 3
V04M141V01212 Integrated Manufacturing Systems 2nd
Optional 3
V04M141V01213 Transport Engineering and Industrial Maintenance 2nd
Mandatory 3
V04M141V01214 Mechanical Engineering Design 2nd
Optional 3
V04M141V01215 Industrial Installations and Innovation 2nd
Mandatory 6
V04M141V01216 Termal Technology II 2nd
Optional 3
V04M141V01217 Hydraulic Machines 2nd
Optional 3
V04M141V01218 Design of Industrial Electronic Systems 2nd
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01219 Industrial Automation and Control 2nd
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01220 Construction, Urban Planning and Infrastructures 2nd
Optional 3
V04M141V01221 Strategic Management. Production and Logistics 2nd
Mandatory 6
V04M141V01222 Project Management in Engineering 2nd
Mandatory 3
2nd Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
V04M141V01301 Advanced Transport Engineering and Industrial Maintenance 1st
Optional 3
V04M141V01302 Advanced Electrical Power Systems 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01303 Strategic Management. Advanced Production and Logistics 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01304 Power Electronic Converters 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01305 Design and Advanced Calculation of Structures 1st
Optional 3
V04M141V01306 Data Acquisition Systems and Industrial Sensors 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01307 Robotics and Perception Systems 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01308 Control and Real-Time Systems Engineering 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01309 Automatic Systems for Integrated Production 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01310 Electrical Power Systems 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01311 Design of Chemical Processes 1st
Optional 3
V04M141V01312 Welding and Constructive Materials 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01313 Strategic Management. Production and Logistics 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01314 Industrial Design 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01315 Foundation, Simulation and Industrial Constructions 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01316 Computer-Aided Mechanical Design 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01317 Management of Products and Customer Services 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01318 Project Management in Engineering 1st
Optional 3
V04M141V01319 Electric Power Plants 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01320 Design of Digital Electronic Systems for Industrial Control 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01321 Advanced Manufacturing Engineering 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01322 Metal and Concrete Structures 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01323 Automobile Vehicles 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01324 Quality, Safety and Environmental Management 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01325 Design and Calculation of Structures 1st
Optional 3
V04M141V01326 Industrial Applications of Electrical Machines 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01327 Technologies for Communication and Improving Design 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01328 Thermal Installations 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01329 Fluid Mechanics Engineering 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01330 Management Support Information Systems 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01331 Transport Engineering and Industrial Maintenance 1st
Optional 3
V04M141V01332 Installations and Efficient Use of Electric Power 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01333 Means, Machines and Tools for Manufacturing 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01334 Electrical Installations 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01335 Heat and Cold 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01336 Purchase Management and Physical Distribution 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01337 Industrial Installations and Innovation 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01338 Electricity Generation with Renewable Energy Sources 1st
Optional 6
V04M141V01339 Laser Technology Applied to Industrial Production 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01340 Fluid Facilities 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01341 Heat Engines 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01342 Quantitative Methods and Management Tools 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01343 Management and Quality of Electric Energy 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01344 Systems Engineering and Automation 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01345 Mechanical Manufacturing 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01346 Business Creation and Management of Business Assets 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01347 High Voltage Electrical Facilities 1st
Optional 4.5
V04M141V01348 Design of Chemical Processes 1st
Optional 3
V04M141V01401 Business and Human Resources Management 2nd
Mandatory 6
V04M141V01402 Master´s Degree Thesis 2nd
Mandatory 24
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000