Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Dirección e Xestión Pública
Grado en Dirección y Gestión Pública

1st Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
P07G092V01101 Political Science: Political Science 1st
Basic education 6
P07G092V01102 Political Science: Public Administration and Management Science 1st
Basic education 6
P07G092V01103 Economics: Public Economics 1st
Basic education 6
P07G092V01104 Political Science: The Spanish Political System 1st
Basic education 6
P07G092V01105 Political Science: Governance, Globalization and Human Rights 1st
Basic education 6
P07G092V01106 Law: Administrative Law I 2nd
Basic education 6
P07G092V01107 Political Science: Institutions and Policies of the European Union 2nd
Basic education 6
P07G092V01108 Sociology: General Sociology 2nd
Basic education 6
P07G092V01109 Political Science: Public Policies 2nd
Basic education 6
P07G092V01110 Political Science: Governments of the Spanish Autonomous Communities 2nd
Basic education 6
2nd Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
P07G092V01201 Administrative law 2 1st
Mandatory 6
P07G092V01202 Administration Statistics 1st
Mandatory 6
P07G092V01203 Management of Public Services 1st
Mandatory 6
P07G092V01204 Finance and Tax Law I: Institutions and Sources 1st
Mandatory 6
P07G092V01205 Management of People: Organization and Functions 1st
Mandatory 6
P07G092V01206 Management of Human Resources: Lists of Posts and Multilevel Public-Sector Job Offers 2nd
Mandatory 6
P07G092V01207 Management of Public Documentation 2nd
Mandatory 6
P07G092V01208 Labor and Social Security Law 2nd
Mandatory 6
P07G092V01209 Finance and Tax Law II: Tax Management and Taxation System 2nd
Mandatory 6
P07G092V01210 Public Sector Economics 2nd
Mandatory 6
3rd Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
P07G092V01301 Qualitative Methods of Social Research 1st
Mandatory 6
P07G092V01302 Budget Law 1st
Mandatory 6
P07G092V01303 Finance Accounting 1st
Mandatory 6
P07G092V01304 Management of Institutional Projects 1st
Mandatory 6
P07G092V01305 Evaluation of Public Policies and Services 1st
Mandatory 6
P07G092V01306 Professional Public Management 2nd
Mandatory 6
P07G092V01307 Public Administrations Skills 2nd
Mandatory 6
P07G092V01308 Public Management for Local Governments 2nd
Mandatory 6
P07G092V01309 Quantitative Methods of Social Research 2nd
Mandatory 6
P07G092V01310 Public accounting 2nd
Mandatory 6
4th Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
P07G092V01401 Legal Framework of Public Sector Recruitment 1st
Mandatory 6
P07G092V01402 Creativity and Problem Resolution in Public Organizations 1st
Optional 6
P07G092V01403 ICT in Public Administrations 1st
Optional 6
P07G092V01404 Public Sector Ethics and Transparency 1st
Optional 6
P07G092V01406 Open Government, Policies and Institutions 1st
Optional 6
P07G092V01407 Electronic Tax Administration 1st
Optional 6
P07G092V01408 Public Sector Advertising and Institutional Social Responsibility 2nd
Mandatory 6
P07G092V01409 Management of Institutional Social Media 2nd
Optional 6
P07G092V01410 Sustainable Development Cooperation Strategies 2nd
Optional 6
P07G092V01411 Sociology of Gender in Organizations 2nd
Optional 6
P07G092V01412 Data Management in Public Administrations 2nd
Optional 6
P07G092V01413 Skills Oriented to Public Sector Employment 2nd
Optional 6
P07G092V01981 Internships 2nd
Optional 12
P07G092V01991 Final Year Dissertation 2nd
Mandatory 6
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000