Educational guide 2024_25
Escola Superior de Enxeñaría Informática
Grado en Ingeniería Informática

Study programme guide Study programme guide
1st Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
O06G151V01101 Mathematics: Mathematical basics for IT 1st
Basic education 6
O06G151V01102 Mathematics: Mathematical analysis 1st
Basic education 6
O06G151V01103 IT: Programming 1 1st
Basic education 12
O06G151V01104 Physics: Digital Systems 1st
Basic education 6
O06G151V01105 Business: Communication skills and leadership 2nd
Basic education 6
O06G151V01106 Mathematics: Linear algebra 2nd
Basic education 6
O06G151V01107 IT: Algorithms and data structures 1 2nd
Basic education 6
O06G151V01108 IT: Computer Architecture 1 2nd
Basic education 6
O06G151V01109 Programming 2 2nd
Mandatory 6
2nd Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
O06G151V01201 Mathematics: Statistics 1st
Basic education 6
O06G151V01202 Algorithms and data structures 2 1st
Mandatory 6
O06G151V01203 Operating systems 1 1st
Mandatory 6
O06G151V01204 Software engineering 1 1st
Mandatory 6
O06G151V01205 Computer Architecture 2 1st
Mandatory 6
O06G151V01206 Operating systems 2 2nd
Mandatory 6
O06G151V01207 Computer networks 1 2nd
Mandatory 6
O06G151V01208 Software engineering 2 2nd
Mandatory 6
O06G151V01209 Databases 1 2nd
Mandatory 6
O06G151V01210 Parallel architectures 2nd
Mandatory 6
3rd Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
O06G151V01301 Computing logic 1st
Mandatory 6
O06G151V01302 Computer networks 2 1st
Mandatory 6
O06G151V01303 Databases 2 1st
Mandatory 6
O06G151V01304 User Interfaces 1st
Mandatory 6
O06G151V01305 Data centres 1st
Mandatory 6
O06G151V01306 Project management and direction 2nd
Mandatory 6
O06G151V01307 Theory of automation and formal languages 2nd
Mandatory 6
O06G151V01308 Concurrency and distribution 2nd
Mandatory 6
O06G151V01309 Intelligent systems 2nd
Mandatory 6
O06G151V01310 Application-specific hardware 2nd
Mandatory 6
4th Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
O06G151V01401 Computer systems security 1st
Mandatory 6
O06G151V01402 Project-based learning 1st
Mandatory 6
O06G151V01405 Business systems 1st
Optional 6
O06G151V01406 Application development and integration 1st
Optional 6
O06G151V01407 Architectural design of large software systems 1st
Optional 6
O06G151V01408 Advanced software engineering methods 1st
Optional 6
O06G151V01414 Web services and technologies 1st
Optional 6
O06G151V01415 Digital content creation 1st
Optional 6
O06G151V01416 Mobile devices 1st
Optional 6
O06G151V01417 Applications developing for the Internet 1st
Optional 6
O06G151V01982 Internships 2 1st
Optional 12
O06G151V01403 ICT Ethical and legal foundations 2nd
Mandatory 6
O06G151V01412 Applications with scripting languages 2nd
Optional 6
O06G151V01413 Agile application development 2nd
Optional 6
O06G151V01419 Information handling advanced techniques 2nd
Optional 6
O06G151V01422 Codes Theory 2nd
Optional 6
O06G151V01981 Internships 1 2nd
Optional 6
O06G151V01991 Final Year Dissertation 2nd
Mandatory 12
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000