Guia docente 2016_17
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial
Degree in Mechanical Engineering
  Graphic Engineering
Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction to the charts of engineering 1.1. Types of charts in engineering. Fields of application. Charts for the design, the visualisation and the communication. The graphic language.
1.2. Graphic systems. Types and structure of the graphic files. I handle of the information. Hierarchies. Layers.
1.3. Models. Geometrical model. *Asociatividad Of the information.
2. Representation of pieces and mechanical
components normalised.
2.1. Normalisation of values. Designations normalised.
2.2. Representation, *acotación and designations normalised stops:
*Resortes, rollings and his accessories, *poleas. Graphic information in planes of toothed wheels. Curves for the profile of the teeth.
2.3. Other forms of transmission of movement.
2.4. Attachments
2.5. Symbolic representation of mechanisms.
2.6. Materials. Designations normalised
2.7. Criteria for selection and employment of components normalised.
3. Management of the variability; functional repercussion of the tolerances. Analysis and synthesis of tolerances. 3.1. The variability associated to the problems of Mechanical Engineering.
3.2. Variability *macro and *micro geometrical.
3.3. Dimensional tolerances and adjust. Specification.
3.4. Geometrical tolerances. Specification.
3.5. References and systems of reference.
3.6. Tolerances of *rugosidad superficial. Specification.
3.7. Statistical tolerances. Functions of cost of the tolerances.
3.8. Analysis of tolerances and synthesis of tolerances.
3.9. Combination of tolerances; repercussion of the accumulation of
tolerances on the operation and setting of mechanisms.

4. Concepción and representation of elementary mechanical forms. *Acotación Oriented to the function, the manufacture and the control of the product.
4.1. Constructive forms for the design of pieces *moldeadas, forged, conformed and stuffed.
4.2. Elementary mechanical functions.
4.3. Analysis of the conditions of operation in the mechanisms.
4.4. *Acotación Functional. Chains of heights.
4.5. *Acotación Oriented to the process of manufacture.
4.6. *Acotación Oriented to the control of compliance.
5. Geometrical specification of products. 5.1. Concept of geometrical specification according to ISO.
5.2. Chains of Norms.
5.3. Norms fundamental and global GPS
5.4. Matrices of Norms General GPS
5.5. Matrices of Norms Complementary GPS.
5.6. Operations of specification.
5.7. Interpretation of geometrical specifications in base to the operations to build them.
6. Diagrams, Nomograms and empirical equations. 6.1. Graphic constructions employees in engineering.
6.2. Scales for the graphic constructions.
6.3. Diagrams and Nomograms. Graphic volumetric.
6.4. Graphic representation of empirical equations.
6.5. Functions of analysis of data.
7. Foundations of the charts by computer. 7.1. Basic geometrical transformations.
7.2. *Graficación Of lines: basic algorithms.
7.3. Curves *aproximadoras and *interpoladoras: types and applications.
7.4. *Modelado Geometrical. Structure of the information in the files *CAD 2D and 3D. Entities and models of solid/surfaces/wire mesh/points.
7.5. Graphic bookshops.
7.6. Systems *CAD for mechanical design oriented to the product.
8. Systems *CAD/FALL/CAM. Systems for
acquisition of data of the real geometries.
*Prototipado Fast.
8.1. Systems *CAx.
8.2. Tools *CAD/CAM.
8.3. Tools FALLS in the context of the engineering of design.
8.4. Virtual reality: characteristics and devices. Applications in the field of the engineering.
8.5. Digitalisation of forms. Projects of reverse engineering.
8.6. Systems of *prototipado fast.
8.7. Formats for the exchange of information.
9. Representation of constructions and
industrial installations.
9.1. Symbolic representation of structures.
9.2. Planes of detail for metallic structures.
9.3. Representation and *acotación of the unions soldered.
9.4. Drawings for coppersmithing.
9.5. Symbols and diagrams for circuits *oleohidráulicos and tyres.
9.6. Symbols and diagrams for drivings of fluids.
10. Introduction to the industrial design. 10.1. Design. Types. The industrial design: product, communication and corporate image.
10.2. Methodologies for the design.
10.3. Stages of the process of design.
10.4. The creativity in the process of design.
10.5. Assessment of alternatives of design.
10.6. *DfX.
1. *Croquizado Of a mechanical group It will propose the individual realisation of the *croquizado of a mechanical group, that will include elements of transmission and a high number of components normalised. The previous process to the realisation of the *croquizado, consistent in his study, research of information and analysis,
will realise by groups of three or four students/ace.
2. Modelling of the previous group Once corrected and given back by the professor the previous practice, will realise the modelling of the pieces and the assembled of the group
by means of the program *CAD available in the Laboratory. It will be an individual work, although they will form groups for the put in common and learning *colaborativo.
3. Realisation of planes in 2D Splitting of the previous modellings, will elaborate the planes of detail and of group of the assembled, by means of the program *CAD available, containing the list of pieces and all the necessary
specifications (heights, tolerances *macro and *microgeométricas, special indications), that are necessary to guarantee an optimum operation of the mechanism to the that belong each piece.
4, Representations of coppersmithing Realise the modelling solid and represent the developments for an element of coppersmithing, with all the necessary dimensional specifications, employing the program *CAD available.
5. Realisation of a memory for analysis
of functionality and *intercambiabilidad
It will realise a critical analysis of the design of the exercises 1-4, that contain a forecast of the conditions of operation expected, based in the tolerances applied and the effect combined between all they, and a study that reflect how can reduce the costs of the
tolerances from the effect combined of all those that take part. It will realise an analysis FALLS of a notable piece of the design. All the parts of this work will be documented with what graphic information, of the worked in the course, was possible to apply for a better understanding of the memory.
6. Representation of an industrial
construction. Diagrams for drivings of
fluids and other installations.
Represent by means of the program *CAD available a small building of the type industrial ship to house a workshop or small mechanical industry, with bounded planes of the metallic structure and his corresponding constructive details.
Realise the symbolic representation of diverse notable installations of the ship: energy, flowed, etc.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000