Guia docente 2016_17
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial
Degree in Industrial Technologies Engineering
  Computing for Engineering
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Multiple choice tests Proofs for the evaluation of the competitions purchased that include questions with different alternative of answer (true/false, multiple election, ...) 10 B3
Practical tests, real task execution and / or simulated. Proofs for the evaluation that include activities, problems or practical exercises to resolve. 65 B3
Long answer tests and development Proofs for the evaluation of the competitions purchased that include questions on a subject and of type test. The students should develop, relate, organise and present the knowledges that have on the matter. 25 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

Ethical commitment:

It expects that the students have a suitable ethical behaviour. If it detects a little ethical behaviour
(copy, plagiarism, use of unauthorised electronic devices, and others) considers that the student does not fulfil with the requirements to approve the subject. In this case the global qualification in the present academic course will be of suspense (0,0).

In addition to the ethical commitment, underlines the following:
In the first place a person enrolled in the matter, is by defect subjected to the system of continuous evaluation; if it does not want to be in this system, has to renounce of form expresses in the terms that establish .

On the other hand and independently of the system that follow , is necessary to obtain in the part of theory a minimum punctuation of 30% on 10 (3,0 points) so that we can calculate the average.

Operative of continuous evaluation.

In the present course, the continuous evaluation will collect the evidences of learning of the person enrolled and that will agglutinate in three proofs: it Practises 1, Practical 2 and Theory. If it does not renounce to the continuous system of evaluation, the proofs to which not coincide will consider described with a zero.

To surpass the matter by continuous evaluation has to be true the following expression:
it Practises 1*0,25 +Practice 2*0,4 + (Theory >=3)*0,35 >= 5,0
If a person does not reach the level of approved by this system only can coincide to the second announcement
(usually in the month of Julio) and will go with 100% of the matter.

Once realised the first proof, that is to say, Practical 1, the person enrolled will be able to ask the exit of the continuous evaluation by means of an agreement signed that will deliver to his professor or professor of practices, in this way, the person enrolled will become
like a person of evaluation no continuous.

Operative of evaluation no continuous

The people enrolled that they have renounced of form expresses to the system of continuous evaluation, will be able to coincide to the examination of the month of May proposed by the Direction of the School and will realise an examination that allows to obtain 100% of the punctuation. To this examination will not be able to coincide those people that have suspended the continuous evaluation.

Operative of second announcement (of ordinary in the month of Julio

The people that have not surpassed the matter in the two previous situations, will be able to have a second opportunity in the month of June-Julio in which it will propose an examination to evaluate 100% of the matter have gone by the continuous system or no.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000