Guia docente 2016_17
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grao en Ciencias do Mar
  Degree thesis
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Jobs and projects Evaluation by part of the tutor of the competitions developed by the student in the work and in the editorial of the final memory.
In the rule of final degree project of the Faculty you can find in detail all the procedure that has to adopt the student and his tutor, both for the written part and for the evaluation.
Other Evaluation by part of a court of 3 members of the competitions of the student through a public exhibition of the work realised. It will evaluate so much the memory like the oral exhibition of the student.
Other comments on the Evaluation

The final degree project is governed  by the rule approved in the Marine Science Faculty, which is published in the web page of the centre. The Academic Commission of the final degree project, prior to the start of the work, will make public the criteria of evaluation that will use so much the tutor to issue his report like the court to evaluate the memory of the work and his defence. They will make public in the web pageall the terms that reach the presentation of the memories, the defences and the presentation of the reports by the tutors. These terms will be approved by the Academic Commission of the final degree project. In case that the student surpass the evaluation of the Tutor and do not surpass the court of evaluation will issue a justificative report. Once attended the recommendations of the report, said student will be able to go back to present the final degree project in the following period of evaluation. It is required by the students a responsible and honest behaviour. So it its considered  inadmissible any form of fraud (copy and/or plagiarism) directed to distort the level of knowledge or skill reached by one/to student/the in any type of proof, report or work designed with this purpose. This fraudulent behaviour will be sanctioned with the firmness and rigour that establishes the valid rule.

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