Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias Empresariais e Turismo
Grao en Turismo
  Cultural heritage
   Contingency plan
In front of it uncertain and unpredictable evolution of the sanitary alert caused by the COVID- 19, the University establishes join extraordinary planning that will actuate in the moment in that the administrations and the @propio institution determine it attending to criteria of security, health and responsibility, and guaranteeing the *docencia in a @escenario no *presencial or no totally *presencial. These already scheduled measures guarantee, in the moment that was prescriptive, the development of the *docencia of a way but *áxil and effective when being known beforehand (or with a wide advance) pole students and the teaching staff through the tool normalized and institutionalized of the teaching guides DOCNE*T.

* teaching Methodologies that keep : all

* teaching Methodologies that modify : any

* Mechanism no *presencial of attention to the students (*titorías): there are not modifications

* Modifications ( proceed) of the contained to impart: any

* additional Bibliography to facilitate to car-learning:to have modifications would communicate through faitic.

* Other modifications Any

* additional Information: it Recommends that the students purchase the before possible all the necessary bibliographic material to prepare the subject so any work is not available in bear digital.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000