Guia docente 2024_25
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial
Grado en Ingeniería en Organización Industrial
  Electronic instrumentation
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practical The practices of laboratory will evaluate of continuous form (session to session). The criteria of evaluation are:
- minimum Assistance of 80%
- Puntualidad
- previous Preparation of the tasks.
The sessions of practices will realize in groups of two students.
To the finalizar each one of the sessions of practices, the students will owe to present a leaf of results, this and the work realized will serve like elements of evaluation.
10 D2
Mentored work Once realized the work tutelado, the students will owe to elaborate a memory descriptiva. It will fix a day for the delivery of the memory and the presentation of the work realized. This note will form part of the continuous evaluation. 40 D2
Objective questions exam To the finalizar the cuatrimestre will realize a proof written of type test, in the date indicated by the centre. 30 C11
Essay questions exam In the dates indicated by the calendar of examinations of the centre, will realize the final proofs that will consist in questions of theory and problems of development. 20 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

The long answer test will be carried out on the date set by the center and will represent 20% of the final grade. The remaining 80% will correspond to the grade obtained throughout the course, through continuous evaluation, of the laboratory practices, supervised work and multiple choice tests. In each of these evaluations a minimum grade of 30% will be required. Students who are recognized by the management of the center for their resignation from continuous assessment, must attend the final test. This will represent 60% of the grade, the remaining 40% will be obtained through a practical exam and the completion of a work. In this case, the practical exam and the work will be compulsory, and in these tests a minimum grade of 50% must be obtained. In the second call, the same procedure will be followed. The practice note will only be saved for one academic year. The student is expected to exhibit appropriate ethical behavior. In case of detecting unethical behavior (copying, plagiarism, use of unauthorized electronic devices, for example), it will be considered that the student does not meet the necessary requirements to pass the subject. Depending on the type of unethical behavior detected, it could be concluded that the student has not reached the B2, B3 and CT19 competencies. In this case, the overall grade in the current academic year will be a failure (0.0). The use of any electronic device will not be allowed during the evaluation tests unless expressly authorized. The fact of introducing an unauthorized electronic device in the exam room will be considered a reason for not passing this subject in this academic year and the overall grade will be failed (0.0). THE ACQUISITION OF SKILLS AND ITS INFLUENCE ON ASSESSMENT In this subject there is no competency assessment approach. Next, it is specified how the different teaching activities exercise the student in the different competencies and how their acquisition conditions the final grade obtained by the student. CG3. Knowledge of basic and technological matters, which enables them to learn new methods and theories and gives them the versatility to adapt to new situations. The acquisition of this competence is guaranteed (in the scope of the subject) by its own contents. The self-assessment activities, the practicals and the various assessment tests deal with these content of a technological nature. CE11. Knowledge of the fundamentals of electronics. Also the acquisition of these competences is guaranteed by the contents of the subject, since the practices and the different evaluation tests deal with these fundamental contents of electronics. Both in the theory and problems classes, as well as in the laboratory practices, a set of activities are carried out whose main objective is the fulfillment of this competence. Likewise, the evaluation activities of the subject are aimed at measuring the capacity reached by the students in this competence. CT2. Problem resolution. Students exercise in this competence through the proposed activities: problem sets and theoretical resolution of the assemblies proposed in the practice statements. The acquisition of competence in the field of the subject is justified by the fact that the assessment tests (thematic blocks and individual tests) consist almost entirely of problem solving. CT9. Apply knowledge. The students exercise this competence, especially in the laboratory sessions, where they have to transfer to the simulations and to the assembly and real measurements what was studied in the theoretical sessions. The laboratory sessions are evaluated one by one, averaging the final grade as long as there is minimal attendance and use. The proposed laboratory works are carried out in groups of two and at the end of them, each group must submit a written report of the activities carried out. The students who prepare the best works must make an oral presentation. CT17 Teamwork. The students exercise this competence in the laboratory sessions, since these sessions are carried out in teams of two. Collaboration between both students is necessary to successfully carry out the setups, measurements and data collection required in each experiment. The practice teacher verifies that the prior preparation and development of each of the sessions is the result of the collaboration of the two members of each group. In case of detecting anomalies in this sense, the qualifications of each member of the group are penalized and individualized.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000