Guia docente 2024_25
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial
Grado en Ingeniería en Electrónica Industrial y Automática
  Fundamentals of electronics
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practical The Laboratory practices (PL) will be evaluated continuously (session by session).

The evaluation criteria are:
- A minimum attendance at 80% of the sessions.
- Puntuality.
- Previous preparation of the practices.
- Achieve knowledge acquisition from the session.

The practical sessions will be carried out in groups of two students.

The scripts of the practices will be available to students in advance.

The students will answer the results on a set of sheets, which they will deliver at the end of the practice. These sheets will serve to justify attendance and assess the use.

Each one of the practical sessions will be evaluated on 10 points.
20 C11
Objective questions exam It will consist of two tests (EP1 and EP2) related to thematic blocks. Each one will have a weight of 20% of the total of the note

They will be carried out, if possible, by telematic means.

The tests will consist of multiple choice questions, closed answer questions and analysis problems with numerical answers.

These tests are evaluated out of 10 points. If a minimum score of 2.5 points is not reached, the test score will be worth 0 points.
40 B3
Essay questions exam This written test (EP3) of an individual and face-to-face nature, will be carried out at the end of the semester, on the date and time established by the center's management.

It may consist of a combination of the following types of exercises:
- Test-type questions.
- Short answer questions.
- Analysis problems.
- Resolution of practical cases.

This test is evaluated out of 10 points. If a minimum score of 2.5 points is not reached, the test score will be worth 0 points.
40 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

Laboratory Sessions Mark

The laboratory sessions mark [PL] is obtained from the marks of the 5 laboratory practices, with the following formula:

LP = ( P1 + P2 + P3 + P4 + P5 ) / 5

Not having attending a practice implies that the note in that practice is zero.

Ordinary call for continuous assesment

The mark that will go to the mark register [NAEC] will be the weighted sum of the practical and self-assessment marks, calculated by the formula:

NAEC = 0.2 * PL + 0.2 * EP1 + 0.2 * EP2 + 0.4 * EP3

Ordinary call for global evaluation

It will be necessary to sit a theoretical exam [NTEG], on the date established by the center for the ordinary call, and a practical laboratory exam [NPEG], on a date to be agreed depending on the availability of laboratories and non-coincidence with other exams of the same course.

Each of these exams will be evaluated on a score of 10 points. If the theoretical exam is taken, and the student does not sit for the practical, the [NPEG] grade will be worth 0.

The mark that will go to the mark register [NAEG] will be the one calculated by the formula:

NAEG = ( NTEG + NPEG ) / 2

Extraordinary call for continuous evaluation

In this call, the laboratory session mark from the ordinary call [PL] will be kept, and it will be necessary to take a theoretical exam [ETEC], which will evaluate all the contents of the subject.

The mark that will go to the [NAEEC] record will be the weighted sum of the practical marks and the theoretical exam according to the following formula:

NAEEC = 0.2 * PL + 0.8 * ETEC

Extraordinary call for global evaluation

It will be necessary to sit a theoretical exam [NTEEG], on the date established by the center for the ordinary call, and a practical laboratory exam [NPEEG], on a date to be agreed upon depending on the availability of laboratories and non-coincidence with other exams of the same course.

Each of these exams will be evaluated on a score of 10 points. If the theoretical exam is taken, and the student does not show up for the practical, the [NPEEG] mark will be worth 0.

The mark that will go to the mark registry [NAEEG] will be the one calculated by the formula:


End-of-program call

It will be necessary to sit a theoretical exam [NTFDC], on the date established by the center for the ordinary call, and a practical laboratory exam [NPFDC], on a date to be agreed depending on the availability of laboratories and non-coincidence with other exams of the same course.

Each of these exams will be evaluated on a score of 10 points. If the theoretical exam is taken, and the student does not show up for the practical, the grade [NPFDC] will be worth 0.

The mark that will go to the [NAFDC] minutes will be the one calculated by the formula:



In the different written tests, students are advised to justify all the achieved results.

When scoring the questions, both laboratory and written tests, no results will be given by empty assumption and the method used to reach the proposed solution will be taken into account.

It is recommended, in the presentation of the various exercises, not to present misspellings and illegible characters or symbols, because they will affect the final score.

Exams that are missing any of the sheets that accompany the statement will not be corrected.

Notes, books or electronic devices may not be used during the tests, with the exception of calculators.

Ethical Commitment

Whoever takes the subject is expected to present correct ethical behavior. In the case of detecting unethical behavior (copying, plagiarism, use of unauthorized electronic devices, and others) it will be considered that it does not meet the necessary requirements to pass the subject. In this case, the overall grade for this academic year will be fail (0.0) and the center management will be notified for the appropriate purposes.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000