Guia docente 2024_25
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial
Grado en Ingeniería en Electrónica Industrial y Automática
  Materials science and technology
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Report of practices, practicum and external practices Attendance and student participation in practical classes will be evaluated. The reports from the practical sessions will be assessed, which will include the results obtained from the conducted experiments, as well as the response to the questions asked.. 5 B6
Presentation The work carried out by the students in small groups will be evaluated through its public defense, using a rubric that will be presented beforehand. The information provided, consulted bibliography, organization of the content, clarity in the presentation, and the responses given in the final debate with the teacher and the rest of the students will be taken into account. 10 B4
Objective questions exam This written test will assess the learning gain and competence of students in the laboratory practical part of the course. It will consist of questions and exercises. 15 B3
Objective questions exam There will be a first written test in which the knowledge acquired by students in the theory sessions of the subject will be assessed. It will be conducted approximately in the middle of the semester.
30 B3
Objective questions exam Second written test in which the knowledge acquired by students in the theory sessions of the subject will be evaluated. It will take place on the official date of the 1st edition of the exam set by the EEI coordination. 40 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

Continuous assessment: (default assessment system) involves ongoing evaluation throughout the semester including different assessments, as indicated in the table above which also includes the score of each test in the final mark. A summary is shown below:

  • 5% laboratory practice report submitted, attendance, and participation in practical classes.
  • 10% Oral presentation of group work.
  • 15% Written examination of the practical part.
  • 30%*1st partial exam of theory content (It will take place in one of the theory sessions on a previously indicated date).
  • 40%*2nd partial exam. The knowledge acquired in the second part will be assessed, however, an overall understanding of the subject will be required. (it will take place on the date officially set by the EEI for the first attempt or edition). A minimum of 30% of the grade of this partial exam will be required to pass the course.
  • * Students who take the second attempt will keep the marks obtained in the laboratory practical assessments. The theoretical knowledge of the subject will be evaluated in a single exam (covering the syllabus evaluated in Partial Exams I and II) that will be assessed with 70% of the total grade. A minimum of 40% of the grade of this exam will be required to pass the course.
Global or comprehensive assessment,

in the two official attempts: Students who waive continuous assessment, in accordance with the procedures and deadlines established by the institution, will have the option to take a single written exam covering all the content of the subject, both theoretical and practical, on the official dates. This test will be graded with a weight of 100% towards the final grade.

To pass the course, according to the assessment system:
  • Continuous assessment:
  1. In the first attempt: The sum of scores from different tests must reach a minimum of 5 out of 10, and obtaining a minimum of 30% of the grade of the II partial exam, that is: 1,2 point out of 4.
  2. In the second attempt: The sum of scores from different tests must reach a minimum of 5 out of 10, and obtaining a minimum of 40% of the grade of the exam, that is: 2.8 point out of 7.
If the required minimums are not reached, the grade that will appear in the transcript will be a maximum of 4.5 points.
  • Comprehensive evaluation: A minimum score of 5 out of 10 must be achieved.
Extraordinary Call (September): will take place on the official date. A comprehensive assessment will be performed by means of a single written exam covering all theoretical and practical contents (100% of the final grade). 
Ethical Behavior: students are expected to behave in an ethical manner in all aspects of their work, especially in accordance with the provisions of Articles 39, 40, 41and 42 of the Regulation on the evaluation, grading and quality of teaching and the learning process of students at the University of Vigo , approved by the University Senate on 18 April 2023). 
Warning: If there is any mismatch between the contents of the 3 language versions of this teaching guide, those included in the Spanish version will be considered valid.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000