Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Grado en Ingeniería en Electrónica Industrial y Automática
  Physics: Physics 1
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Objective questions exam Tests for evaluating the acquired competences that include closed questions with different answer alternatives (true / false, multiple choice, pairing of elements ...). Students select an answer from a limited number of possibilities. 10 B3
Problem and/or exercise solving Test in which the student must solve a series of problems and / or exercises in a time / condition established by the teacher. In this way, the student must apply the knowledge they have acquired. 50 B3
Essay questions exam Competency assessment tests that include open-ended questions on a topic. Students must develop, relate, organize and present the knowledge they have on the subject in an extensive answer. 30 B3
Report of practices, practicum and external practices Preparation of a document by the student that reflects the characteristics of the work carried out. Students must describe the tasks and procedures developed, show the results obtained or observations made, as well as the analysis and treatment of data. 10 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

Final mark G comprises the marks on the topics covered in the lectures (classtest mark, weight 80%) and in the lab (laboratory mark, weight 20%).

1.1. CLASS TEST MARK It will be obtained through two blocks of theoretical-practical tests,which we will refer to with the letters C (course) and F (final), each with aweight of 40% of G. In the ordinary call, tests during the course (mark C0) and a final test(mark F1) will be taken. On the same day as the F1 test there will be anoptional test C1 to replace C0, so that each student can choose betweenmaintaining her/his mark C0 or taking the test to obtain a new mark C1 toreplace C0. The extraordinary call will comprise two tests, C2 and F2, equivalent incontents and assessment methodology (objective questions, essay questions and problemsolving) to C1 and F1, respectively. In test C2, each student can choosebetween maintaining her/his previous mark from block C or taking the test toobtain a new mark to replace the previous one. In test F2, each student canchoose between maintaining her/his previous mark from block F or taking thetest to obtain a new mark to replace the previous one. 1.2. LABORATORY MARK In the ordinary call, during the course you can obtain mark L0. Thismark consists of two blocks, each with a weight of 10% of G:theoretical-practical tests (mark L0E), and practical reports (mark L0I): L0 =L0E + L0I. It is mandatory the attendance to all labsessions to obtain the mark L0, otherwise, L0 = 0.0. On the same day as the F1 test there will be an optionaltheoretical-practical test L1 to replace L0, so that each student can choosebetween maintaining her/his previous mark L0 or taking the test to obtain a new mark L1 to replace L0. In the extraordinary call there will be a theoretical-practicaltest L2, equivalent in contents and assessmentmethodology to L1. In test L2, each student can choose between maintaining her/hisprevious laboratory mark or taking the test to obtain a new mark to replace theprevious one. 1.3. FINAL MARK G = C (40%) + F (40%) +L (20%) where C is the most recent of the C block marks, F is the most recent ofthe F block marks, and L is the most recent of the laboratory marks. 2. GLOBAL ASSESSMENT (EG) Only those students who have been granted a waiver of continuousassessment can opt for this assessment modality.

Final mark G comprises the marks on the topics covered in the lectures (classtest mark, weight 80%) and in the lab (laboratory mark, weight 20%).

2.1. CLASS TEST MARK It will be obtained through a theoretical-practical test (mark denotedby A1 in the ordinary call and by A2 in the extraordinary call). In test A2,each student can choose between maintaining her/his previous class test mark ortaking the test to obtain a new mark to replace the previous one. 2.2. LABORATORY MARK It will be obtained through a theoretical-practical test (mark denotedby L1 in the ordinary call and by L2 in the extraordinary call). In test L2,each student can choose between maintaining her/his previous laboratory mark or taking the test to obtaina new mark to replace the previous one. 2.3. FINAL MARK G = A (80%) + L (20%) where A is the most recent of the classtest marks, and L is the most recent of the laboratorymarks. 3. END-OF-PROGRAM CALL The end-of-program call follows the same scheme as the global assessment,with the exception that there is only one exam. Final mark G for the end-of-program call: G = A (80%) + L (20%). 4. GENERAL RULES To pass the course, a student must obtain a final mark equal to orhigher than 5 (out of 10). Students who do not take any of the tests (C, F, A, L) on the day of thefinal test will receive a grade of “no presentado” for that call. Within the specifications detailed in the preceding sections, the testsmay consist of different variants within the same classroom or laboratorygroup. Ethicalcommitment: Every student is expected to behave in an appropriate ethical manner.Should unethical conduct be detected (copying, plagiarism, utilisation ofunauthorised electronic devices, or others), the student will be considered notto have fulfilled the necessary requirements to pass the subject. In this case,the final mark in the corresponding edition of the academic record for thesubject will be “suspenso” (0.0). Studentsshould not have access to or use any electronic device during the tests andexams, unless specifically authorised. The mere fact of taking an unauthorisedelectronic device into the examination room will result in the student failingthe subject and the final mark in the corresponding edition of the academicrecord for the subject will be “suspenso” (0.0).

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