Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grado en Ciencias del Mar
  Chemistry applied to the marine environment I
Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction to environment Cycles of the elements in the environment
2. Pollution of marine environment Generalities. Major sources of pollution
3. Metal speciation Aerobic and anaerobic enviroments. Pourbaix diagrams
4. Metals and metallic species General characteristics. Effects of metal complexation with natural ligands
5. Pollution by heavy metals Biogeochemical cycles. Methylation processes. Mechanisms of toxicity associated. Applicable defense and detoxication procedures.
6. Reactivity of pollutants non-metallic chemical species Introduction: carbonates, nitrates, phosphates,sulfates, perchlorates
7. Radioactive pollution in marine environment Study, behavior and control of radioactive pollutants
8. Organic pollutants in the marine water Classification. Functional and structural description. Origin of marine pollution
9. Chemical transformations of organic compounds Solubility of organic compounds. Reactions of organic pollutants with nucleophilic species. Redox processes. Photochemical and biological transformations
10. Types of natural products Terpenes, steroids and carotenoids. Oxigen compounds: Phenols, lignans, coumarins, macrolides and polyethers. Nitrogenous compounds: alkaloids, peptides
11. Marine natural products and their biologic function Metabolite transfer in marine ecosystems. Biogenesis. Incorporation of halogens: Haloperoxidases
12. Marine chemical ecology Chemical interactions between organisms. Organic compouds of marine origin and their ecological function
13. Marine natural products in drug discovery Organic compounds of marine origin: isolation, characterization and biological activity
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