Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Comercio
Grao en Comercio
  Idioma para a comunicación internacional: Inglés
Tema Subtema
Basic Vocabulary for Marketing 1.1 Defining Marketing
1.2 Types of Marketing
1.3 Markets and Competitors
1.4 Inclusive, non-sexist language
The role of marketing 2.1. Skills and qualifications: Job Interviews, blind CV
2.2. Organisations, gender and equality
2.3. Role of marketing within an organisation
2.4. Identifying stakeholders
Marketing plan 3.1. Outlining a marketing plan
3.2 Differences in cultural attitudes and behaviours; adapting messages for a new market; gender issues; the importance of diversity
3.3. Marketing audit and analysis (SWOT, PESTEL, FIVE FORCES)
3.4. Marketing Mix: Strategy and tactics

Market research 4.1. Types of research. Research needs
4.2. Research methodology
4.3. Moderating a focus group
4.4. Writing survey questions. Understanding trends and changes and explaining survey data
Digital marketing 5.1. A faliling strategy?
5.2. New objectives
5.3. New tools and techniques
5.4. Effective writing for the web
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