Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Comercio
Grado en Comercio
  Language for intercultural negotiation: English
   Training and Learning Results
Code Description
A4 Students will be able to present information, ideas, problems and solutions both to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
B4 CG4. To be able to communicate effectively, clearly, concisely and accurately both within the organization and with external agents in national and international contexts.
B6 CG6. To be familiar with different economic, legal, social and cultural situations and to acquire a global, multicultural perspective with the aim of guiding the strategies and operations targeting both national and international markets.
C3 CE3. To know and be able to interpret the social dimension of economic activity, the dynamics of social relations and the different cultural environments that shape commerce, consumer society and lifestyles.
C18 CE18. To know and be able to use the chosen foreign language (English, French or German) orally and in writing, with the aim of using it for professional purposes, particularly for commercial activities.
C23 CE23. To be familiar with and be able to use available information resources for internationalization, draw up plans of internationalization and carry out the usual operations and formalities of external trade: transportation, customs and health safety procedures, payment methods, etc.
D1 CT1. Oral and written communication skills both in the official languages of the respective Autonomous Communities and in the chosen foreign language (English, French or German).
D7 CT7. Ability to listen actively and skills for non-verbal communication, persuasion, negotiation and presentation.
D9 CT9. Tolerance. Ability to appreciate different points of view.
D12 CT12. Creativity.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000