Continuous Evaluation: This subject follows the system of continuous evaluation. However, students can explicitly renounce continuous evaluation by requesting it via email to the course faculty before November 1st. Students in continuous evaluation are required to fulfill certain requirements: - Attend practical classes (minimum 80%) and complete the practical activities assigned (usually 1 per practical class). The justifications for non-attendance will be analyzed for each particular situation. - Complete all scheduled activities for the practical classes. Therefore, if a student is unable to attend a class (with justified reasons), they must submit the task(s) or activity(ies) within 3 days after the maximum submission date. Non-attendance will not be taken into account solely for calculating the minimum attendance percentage (80%). - Pass all tests, practicals, and/or exams, meaning each main component of the course (practicals and exams) must be passed separately in order to be eligible for the continuous evaluation average. - The final grade will be calculated as follows: (attendance and participation grade in classes) x 0.05 + (grade for objective question exams) x 0.35 + (grade for theoretical and practical question exam) x 0.40 + (completion of exercises and assignments, both in-class and out-of-class) x 0.20. GLOBAL Evaluation: Students must pass the officially scheduled exam (with a minimum grade of 5), which will be different from the continuous evaluation exam. The material that will be covered for both types of evaluation (continuous and global) in the final exam includes content from theoretical classes as well as practical classes, and all that content is available on Moovi. Second Opportunity: Students in Continuous Evaluation must take the official June/July exam only if they have not passed any of the proposed tests, practicals, and/or exams. In the Global evaluation system, students must pass (5 out of 10) the officially scheduled exam. This exam will be different from the one taken by students in the continuous evaluation system. The material that will be covered for both types of evaluation (continuous and global) in the final exam includes content from theoretical classes as well as practical classes, and all available content on Moovi. End-of-Degree Exam: In this session, the continuous evaluation system does not apply. Therefore, students must pass (5 out of 10) the exam on the officially scheduled date. The exam will cover both theory and practice. Final Grades: In all systems, opportunities, and sessions, passing requires achieving 50% of the maximum possible grade. The exam dates can be consulted on the center's website: Inappropriate behavior in the classroom (participation and attitude are evaluated) or improper use of mobile devices may negatively affect students' final grades. |