Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Máster Universitario en Ciberseguridad
  Smart Contracts and dApps
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Practices through ICT The solution offered to the first course assignment will be evaluated, taking into account the correctness of the proposed solution, the quality of the code, the efficiency of the code, the problem-solving skills and the documentation of the code. 10
Practices through ICT The solution offered to the second course assignment will be evaluated, taking into account the correctness of the proposed solution, the quality of the code, the efficiency of the code, the problem-solving skills and the documentation of the code. 25
Practices through ICT The solution offered to the third course assignment will be evaluated, taking into account the correctness of the proposed solution, the quality of the code, the efficiency of the code, the problem-solving skills and the documentation of the code. 25
Objective questions exam Each student will sit, individually and without any supporting material, a classroom exam at the end of the semester (the exact date will be published at the beginning of the semester at the course web) on the totality of the course syllabus.
Other comments on the Evaluation

There are two assessment modalities, continuous assessment (CA) and global assessment (GA), which must be chosen by the students considering the following conditions:

  • Both the classroom and lab parts will be evaluated according to the same mechanism, CA or GA, as selected by the student.
  • CA includes the exams described in the previous section: one classroom exam, and design and development of three programming assignments. 
  • Students will confirm the final evaluation modality (CA or GA) when submitting lab deliverables, depending on the submission date.
  • Regardless of the chosen evaluation modality, lab assignments will always be carried out individually.
  • A minimum grade of 2 points in both theory/classroom (out of 4)  and lab parts (out of 6) is required to pass the course.
  • If the grade resulting from adding the classroom and lab grades is equal or higher than 5 points, but the student does not reach the minimum grade required in any of them, his/her final grade will be Fail (4.5).
  • If a student attends any of the evaluation tests of the course, he/she will not be able to appear in transcripts as "no-show".
  • The CA tests will only take place on the dates established by the lecturers, and cannot be resit or delayed.
  • Plagiarism is regarded as serious dishonest behavior. If any form of plagiarism is detected in any of the tests or exams, the final grade will be Fail(0), and the incident will be reported to the corresponding academic authorities for prosecution.

Assessment procedure for the ordinary call for students who opt for Continuous Assessment (CA)

  • Theory/classroom part (40%): The grade of this part (4 points) corresponds to an individual exam without any type of supporting material at the end of the academic semester (on the date approved by the school).
  • Lab part (60%): The grade for this part depends on the grades obtained in each lab assignment (up to 1, 2,5 and 2,5 points respectively, up to 6 points in total).

Students who do not pass the course in the ordinary opportunity, may redeem the grade obtained in both theory and lab for the extraordinary opportunity, as long as they have achieved the minimum grade required in the part they wish to keep (2 points out of 4 and 2 points out of 6 respectively).

Assessment procedure for the ordinary call for students who opt for Global Assessment (GA):

  • Classroom part (40%): The grade of this part (4 points) corresponds to an individual exam without any type of supporting material at the end of the academic semester (on the date approved by the school).
  • Lab part (60%): The grade for this part depends on the grades obtained in the three assignments  (up to 1, 2,5 and 2,5 points respectively, up to 6 points in total). The deliverables may be identical to those required in CA or include modifications in the functionalities to be developed. They will be delivered  in digital format and will be evaluated by lecturers outside lab sessions.

Assessment procedure for the extraordinary call and end-of-program call:

  • Classroom part (40%). Individual exam on the date to be approved by the school, requiring a minimum grade of 2 points (out of 4).
  • Lab part (60%). The corresponding assignments must be submitted in digital. Assignments may be the same CA/GA assignments or may include modifications in functionality and/or scoring. As there is no CA, assessment procedures are the same as as ordinary call's GA.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000