Guia docente 2024_25
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Máster Universitario en Ciberseguridad
  Communications security
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practical They will be qualified as apt / unfit. Students will pass them if they attend all sessions of this type. If for some reason they miss any, they must do some complementary practical that teachers will establish.
In some of the sessions / activities the student may be asked for an additional autonomous work (and its associated report) that will be quantitatively evaluated within the more general element called "Autonomous practices through ICT".
Practices through ICT Students must perform, in presence of the teachers, a practical demonstration showing the resolution of the different technical challenges posed, and face questions about the adopted solutions and their degree of completeness. This defense/interview will take place, in a general way, after the delivery deadline of the last ordered task, and before the beginning of the official exams period in the corresponding call, and its definite date will be agreed on time between students and teachers.

Every challenge or autonomous activity will require a written report, whose structure, composition and readability will affect final mark.
Essay questions exam A written exam will be carried out at the end of the semester, where the theoretical concepts taught in the lectures are evaluated, as well as the practical foundations derived from the classes / practical work carried out. 40
Report of practices, practicum and external practices The student's autonomous work should be reported appropriately with pertinent docs whose evaluation will be part of the more general evaluation of the documented task. 0
Other comments on the Evaluation
The evaluation of the subject can either follow a continuous assessment strategy (EC) or a general assessment one (EG). The students choose EC if they deliver the solution to the first challenge or autonomous work that they must attend during the course. The percentages expressed in the previous section only reflect the maximum mark obtainable in each type of test in the EC modality; and they are only indicative. The detailed evaluation form is expressed below:

For EC (first call), the final grade will be the weighted geometric mean between the autonomous work grade (TA, 60%) and the corresponding grade for the essay questions exam (E, 40%). The grade of TA will be the arithmetic mean of the marks obtained in each of the challenges / autonomous practical that students have to solve during the semester, which will never be less than two.

FINAL GRADE (EC) = (TA ^ 0.6) × (E ^ 0.4)

If the laboratory practices assessment is unfit, the grade will be the minimum between the written test score (E) and 3.

Students who choose EG must take a final exam consisting of three parts: a written test analogous to the continuous assessment test (E), a proficiency test in the laboratory and one or more practical tasks (T). The final grade, in this case, is the weighted geometric mean between the theory grade (E, 80%) and practical work (T, 20%), with the condition that the aptitude test is passed. For any student that fails the aptitude test, the final grade will be the minimum between E and 3.

FINAL GRADE (EU) = (T ^ 0.2) × (E ^ 0.8)

Finally, for the extra call (June / July), students will be able to continue with the evaluation mode that they had already chosen (keeping the mark of the part -E or TA / T- that they had passed), facing only the failed part - though with possible modifications in the specifications of the practical works; or they may choose  to follow EU doing just a final exam as the one just described. The aptitude test will only be necessary if they did not attend all laboratory sessions.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000