Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
  Electronics and Photonics for Communications
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Practices through ICT The student work in these practices, related to microwave technologies, will be individually evaluated:
1. In Continuous Assessment: through one/several short examinations with questions/exercises and/or performing simple designs, with the aid of the simulator, during or out of the practices schedule. One of these tests may imply a deliverable involving the design of a circuit.

2. In Exam-only Assessment: by means of short questions/exercises and circuit designs (with or without the aid of the simulator) related with the work performed during the practices.
25 C2
Problem and/or exercise solving In Continuous Assessment:
- There will be 1 Short Examination with exercise solving (no use of simulator, may include short questions), related to the microwave technologies part.
In Exam-only Assessment:
-The Final Exam will also include exercises resolution, with or without the aid of the simulator, and may include short questions.
25 C2
Problem and/or exercise solving With respect to the part of the subject related to RF technologies:
In Continuous Assessment, students will solve, in individual form or in reduced groups, the proposed exercises/designs, with the help of CAD tools. They will deliver a written report that will be evaluated. The evaluation could be complemented by means of an interview about the performed work.
In Exam-only Assessment, the examination will include similar exercise solving, to solve individually.
15 C2
Problem and/or exercise solving In Continuous Assessment:
- There will be 1 Short Examination with exercise solving (may also include short questions), related to Photonics.
In Exam-only Assessment:
-The Final Exam will also include exercises resolution and may include short questions, related to this part.
35 C2
Other comments on the Evaluation

It is convenient that students attend all CAD practices, since through them the lecturer will guide the student home work related to these practices. It is also convenient for the student to perform all the proposed practices and exercises, in order to achieve the skills required to pass the Subject assessment tools. 

First Call:

A) In the case that the student opts for Continuous Assessment

1.  It is mandatory to attend at least 80% of the CAD practices, related to microwave technologies. In this case, the evaluation of these practices will be done through one/several individual Examinations with the support of CAD tools. One of these tests may be replaced by a deliverable report about a proposed circuit design. The total grade achieved in these assessment test corresponds up to 25% of the Subject Qualification (SQ).  

2. The evaluation of the subject part related to RF circuit design, will be done through one or several deliverable reports (performed individually or in group) about some proposed designs or exercises, with the aid of CAD tools. This evaluation may include an interview about the work. The total grade achieved will be up to 15% of the SQ. 

3. The rest of the assessment with be individually performed through 2 Short Examinations, that may contain exercise resolution and/or short questions:
- Exam 1 related to the microwave technologies content, 25 % SQ.

- Exam 2 related to Photonics, 35% SQ. 

Up to 3 days before Exam 2 takes place, students must sent to the subject coordinator a written communication about their chosen option for the Subject Assessment in this Call:  Continuous Assessment or Exam-only Assessment; otherwise, it will be assumed Exam-only Assessment. 

The schedule of the midterm/intermediate exams will be
approved by the Comisión Académica de Grado (CAG) and will be available at the
beginning of each academic semester. These intermediate exams do not have "second-chance" examinations.

B) If the student opts for Exam-only Assessment (100% SQ), this exam will involve all the subject content (theory and practices) and include: exercises resolutions and/or designs (with or without the aid of the circuit simulator) and/or short questions. 

Second Call and End-of-program call

Students who failed the First Call will perform a similar exam as the one in option B. 
In particular, students that in the First Call chose continuous assessment and want to preserve his/her qualifications obtained in the microwave CAD practices (25 % SQ) and the RF technology deliverables (15% SQ),  must perform a shorted version of the exam in option B (with a total weight of up to 60% SQ), involving most of the subject content, but excluding the RF part and the simulator aid.

Up to 3 days before the Exam takes place, students must sent to the subject coordinator a written communication about their chosen option for the Subject Assessment in this Call:  Continuous Assessment or Exam-only Assessment; otherwise, it will be assumed Exam-only Assessment.

In case of plagiarism detection in any of the proposed works/assessment tools performed by the student, his final Subject qualification will be a failure rate of (0), and the coordinator will communicate the school Board this issue so appropriate measures may be taken. 
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000