Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Máster Universitario en Matemática Industrial
  Professional Software in Acoustics
Topic Sub-topic
Subject 1: : numerical Methods in acoustics applied to one-dimensional problems 1.1. Introduction Numpy and Scipy libraries in Python
1.2. Approximation of Helmholtz equation: finite differences, finite elements and spectral methods
1.3. Behavior of the error in problems of propagation of waves: phase shift, error of dispersion and numerical pollution
1.4. Propagation of plane waves in multilayer media: transfer matrix method
Subject 2: Method of finite elements (*FEM) in acoustics 2.1. Introduction to the FEniCS library in Python
2.2. Vibrations in structures: coupling between a comprenssible fluid and a elastic solid.
2.3. Dissipation of noise: coupled problem - comprenssible fluid and porous layer
2.4. Transmission of vibrations: compressible fluids in presence of wall impedance, porous veils and thin plates
2.5. Approximation by means of finite elements of unbounded problems: absorbent conditions and perfectly matched layers (PML)
Subject 3: Applications FEM/BEM to the resolution of acoustic problems. 3.1 Modelling with OpenBEM of cavities and rooms in 2D and 3D.
3.2 Modelling problems of radiation.
3.3 Design of acoustic barriers by means of BEM.
3.4 Modelling acoustic problems with COMSOL Multiphysics.
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