Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Remote sensing
Topic Sub-topic
Introduction to Remote Sensing The aim of this topic is to provide a panoramic of the meaning and application of remote sensing of earth, sea and air. Special attention is given to different points of view: from our usual perception of the Earth to its appearance when it is observed from a satellite or another airlifted platform. Besides, the subject shows the historical evolution of Remote Sensing and its implication in the human life, standing out the hits of the space exploration and the different programs that have been designed along the space race.

The contents given in group A have an autonomous activity associated, called "The Earth from the air/space", proposed when the subject begins.
Fundamental concepts The three fundamental concepts of Remote Sensing are the core of this topic: the spectral signature, the classification and the compositions of color. All these are explained after an introduction to the multispectral sensors.
Sensors Explanation of the concept of sensor, introduction to the different types of sensors, the concept of resolution and calibration. Then, there is at least a session of two hours devoted to the passive sensors (optical-electronic, thermal and radiometers of microwaves) and another session to the active sensors (RADAR and LIDAR). This explanation includes the foundations and operation, its characteristics, advantages and inconvenients, and typical applications.

The contents given in group A have several associated practices of laboratory (group B), those called "Sensors calibration", "Passive Sensors: infrared", and "RADAR Fundamentals".
Processing, interpretation and formation of images This section is a summary of the different techniques of signal processing applied to interpreting and classifying images taken from satellites. It uses an example image to which all different processing techniques are applied and explained.
The subject also takes care of the formation of images of big regions of the surface of the Earth from pictures of areas more reduced, by means of the use of mosaics. It shows the process of constructing the mosaic from both satellite and airborne images.

All the contents are given in laboratory (group B), for four sessions of 2 hour each. Besides, the works developed in group C will support the contents of this chapter.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) It tries to introduce the foundations and applications of the GIS, orienting all the exhibition to the support in the decisions process related with geographic locations. The second part of the session devotes to deepen in the knowledge of applications of GIS by means of the study of practical cases.
Terrestrial exploration This section devotes to some examples of applications of Remote Sensing in diverse fields: studies of the ground, agriculture, mining, geology. The own actuality at teaching time can determine the applications in which more upsetting is done.

The contents given in group A could have associated some of the works developed by students in groups C, depending on the focus of each group challenge.
Meteorology and Oceanography In this section, the applications that more satellites have used along the history of Remote Sensing are introduced: the meteorology and the oceanography. In Meteorology, we introduce which types of sensors are employed, and we analyse the different parameters of interest, the characteristics regarding resolution and the results of climatic studies along the planet.
Regarding Oceanography, the subject focuses on the observed parameters, the sensors, and it also presents images that show the results of the observations both directly and after the application of distinct processed.

The contents given in group A could have associated some of the works developed by students in groups C, depending on the focus of each group challenge.
Space exploration The aim of the subject is to show a panoramic of the space exploration. Beginning with the sensors employed along the years of history of the humanity in the space, the subject shows the main knowledges that we have obtained from the distinct bodies of the solar system and it explains how they arrived to this knowledge (missions, peculiarities of the ships and sensors employed, etc.).
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