Guia docente 2024_25
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Video and Television
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Mentored work These are small projects that are subject to follow-up meetings in C groups. In these meetings the status of the work is analyzed, including the qualification that they would deserve at that time. Improvements will be proposed that can be carried out in non presentrially. 25 B5
Objective questions exam Multiple choice tests, performed on finishig each theory unit.
10 B5
Report of practices, practicum and external practices Final version of works carried out in computer lab. sessions (groups B).
25 B5
Essay questions exam Final written exam in time and place according to school official scheduling. 40 B5
Other comments on the Evaluation

Students can decide if they want only a final exam (global evaluation) or continuous evaluation (according to the procedure described above). The decision can be taken at the time for final exam: students can sign to resign from their continuous evaluation marks. At the time of joining a C group to carry out the supervised work, they must send an e-mail to record their decision to opt for continuous evaluation.

In the extraordinary call, they can again choose between continuous assessment and the final exam, but taking into account that::

- The qualification from test and lab reports is the same of the first call.

- That qualification is only valid within the present academic year.

End of Grade Call: in this exam call, we will proceed as in the case of students that have not fulfilled the continuous assesment process. 

In case of detecting any kind of plagiarism in any of the tests (short tests, partial and final exams, lab. reports), the qualification will be FAIL (0) and this fact will be communicated to the school regents for taking the appropriate actions.


Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000