Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Digital electronics
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practical The lecturer will check the level of compliance of the students with the goals related to the laboratory skills. Final mark of laboratory, FML, will be assessed in a 10 points scale. For the evaluation of the laboratory sessions, the lecturer will assess the group work (the same mark for each member) and the individual answers to personalized questions for each session (individual mark). 30 B13
Problem and/or exercise solving The lecturer will check the students' skills to solve exercices and troubleshooting. Marks for each test will be assessed in a 10 points scale. Final mark of theory, FMT, will be assessed in a 10 points scale. 70 C14
Other comments on the Evaluation

1. Continuous assessment in ordinary opportunity

Following the own degree's guidelines and the agreements of the academic committee, students who take this subject will be provided with a continuous assessment system.

O estudantado que opte por avaliación global deberá notificalo por escrito ao coordinador da materia no prazo dun mes dende o inicio do cuadrimestre.

Those students who opt for a global assessment must send a written notification to the subject coordinator within one month from the beginning of the term.

The subjetc assessment comprises two parts: theory and practice. The grades obtained in the assessable tasks will be only valid for the ongoing academic year.

1.a. Theory

The intermediate assessment test (PEI) will be held throughout the semester. The date on which it takes place will be approved by the Degree Academic Committee (CAG) and will be available at the beginning of the semester.

The final assessment test (PEF) will be held at the end of the course, on the date established by the CAG.

Each of these tests will consist of a series of short answer questions and/or problem solving and/or exercises and will be scored from 0 to 10 marks.

1.b. Practice

There will be a set of twelve 2-hour laboratory sessions with 2-student groups, whenever possible.

The first four sessions will be guided, aiming at learning the tool management that will be used for the design of digital systems to be implemented into programmable devices. These first four practices are mandatory but will not be scored. In the same way, sessions 5, 7 and 10 are compulsory but will not be scored either.

Nevertheless, sessions 6, 8, 9, 11 and 12 will be graded through continuous assessment.

Each session will be only assessed on the corresponding day and hours to its completion according to the practice schedule and the laboratory group assigned by the centre.

Each session will be scored with a grade (NP) between 0 and 10 marks. The teaching staff will take into account the student previous work to prepare the proposed tasks and the work in the laboratory as well as the student attitude in their posts.

The score for the sessions will be 0 for students who do not attend without any compelling and justified issue.

Laboratory sessions' mark (NP) will be:

      NP = (NP6 + NP8 + NP9 + NP11 + NP12) / 5.

In the case of missing more than 2 sessions, the final grade will be:
      NP = min{3 ; (NP6 + NP8 + NP9 + NP11 + NP12) / 5}.

1 C. Call's assessment

The continuous assessment mark in ordinary opportunity, which is the one that will appear in the acta, is calculated as follows:
     NECOD = 0.3.NP + 0.3 PEI + 0.4 PEF

2. Global assessment in ordinary opportunity

Those who discard the continuous assessment must take two tests: the theory one (EGT), which includes all the subject contents, and the laboratory one (EGP), which includes all the concepts involved in the laboratory sessions. Both tests will be scored between 0 and 10 points.

The global assessment grade in global opportunity, which will be the one that will appear in the acta, is calculated as follows:
           NEGOD = 0.5 EGP + 0.5 EGT

3. Continuous assessment in extraordinary opportunity

In this case, the mark obtained in the laboratory sessions (NP) will be kept. The exam (EECOE), which includes all the subject contents, will be scored between 0 and 10 points.

The continuous assessment mark in extraordinary opportunity, which will be the one that will appeared in the acta, is calculated as follows:
           NECOE = 0.3 NP + 0.7 EECOE

4. Global assessment in extraordinary opportunity

Those who discard the continuous assessment in the extraordinary opportunity must take two tests: the theory one (EGTE), which includes all the subject contents, and the laboratory one (EGPE), which includes all the concepts involved in the laboratory sessions. Both tests will be scored between 0 and 10 marks.

The global assessment mark in extraordinary opportunity, which will be the one that will appear in the acta, is calculated as follows:
           NEGOE = 0.5 EGPE + 0.5 EGTE

5. Assessment of the final degree call

Those who sit this exam must take two tests: the theory one (CFCT), which includes all the subject contents, and the laboratory one (CFCP), which includes all the concepts involved in the laboratory sessions. Both tests will be scored between 0 and 10 marks.

The assessment mark of this call, which will be the one that will appear in the acta, is calculated as follows:
           NCFC = 0.5 CFCP + 0.5 CFCT 

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