Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Informatics: Computer Architecture
Topic Sub-topic
1. Preliminaries Information Representation in computers. von Neumann Model. Structural, procesal and functional models.
2. Von Neumann Model Components of von Neumman machine. Simple Machine. Central Processing Unit, Arithmetic and Logic Unit, memory, registers, buses.
3. Symbolic Representation and Processing . Representation of basic data elements: integer, character, floating point. Conventions for data storage. Processing operations. Introduction to symbolic processing. Assembler language.
4. Instructions and addressing Instructions and addressing modes. Software considerations. Registers at the conventional machine level. Register transfer language (RT level). Instruction formats. Addressing modes. Stacks and subprograms. RISC and CISC computers.
5. RISC Computer Instruction sets & formats. Addressing modes. Assembler. Example programs.
6. CISC Computer Instruction sets & formats. Addressing modes. Assembler. Example programs.
7. Device Management. Device types. Management of variety. Models. Secondary memories. Interrupts. Service Rutines. DMA: justification.
8. Parallelism and parallel Architectures Pipelining. Parallelism and memory access. Associative Memory. Parallel architectures. Vector processors. Multiprocessors.
9. Operating systems The operating machine. Introduction to operating systems. Definition of an operating system.
10. Databases Introduction to the database systems. Database types.
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