Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Multimedia services
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Project based learning The students, organized in groups of 2-3 people (according to the criterion of the professor), will develop a project about Digital TV broadcast or video streaming over IP. This project must include the code and the necessary documentation to justify the main design decisions and implementation details.

The mark of each member of the group will depend on the following criteria: (i) the quality of the documentation related to the part of the project this student has made, and (ii) the relevance and usefulness of the developed functionalities.
20 B3
Practices through ICT The students, organized in groups of 2 people, will deliver a report in which they will describe the solution proposed for a first practice in B sessions, which will be about the main formats of coding adopted in the transmission of the multimedia information over telematic networks. In case to be necessary, the submission will include the software used in the development of the solution proposed. 15 B3
Practices through ICT The students, organized in groups of 2 people, will deliver a report that describes properly the solution proposed for the second of the practical proposals in B sessions, which will be about Digital TV broadcast. 15 B3
Presentation The students, organised in groups of 2-3 people (according to the criterion of the professor), will describe the main decisions of design and details of implementation of the project proposed in C sessions. Each member of the group must identify which part of the project has developed, showing its real-time functioning during the presentation.

The mark of each member will depend on the following criteria: (i) the particular level of knowledge about his/her contribution, (ii) its complexity, and (iii) his/her personal performance during the exhibition.
10 B3
Objective questions exam Each student will take --individually and without material of support-- an exam including multiple-choice tests and short-answer questions, which is aimed at assessing his level of understanding on the theoretical concepts explained in the subject. The minimum required grade is 1.5 points out of 4. 40 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

Lessons will be explained in Spanish, although the material about the subject will be available in English.

There exist two mechanisms for the assessment of students in this subject: continuous assessment (CA) and global assessment (GA). Regardless of the considered assessment mechanism, the pass mark for the subject is 5 out of 10. 

The students must choose one of the possible mechanisms by bearing in mind the following conditions: 

  • CA includes the 5 tests described above.
  • By the submission of the first B practice (end of October), the student makes a commitment to be assessed via CA, thus renouncing the GA mechanism. In virtue of this commitment, the final remark of these students cannot be "Not taken".
  • Students who do not submit the first practice renounce to the CA, thus being assessed through the GA mechanism. Note that it will not be possible to join the CA in the next tests. 
  • The schedule of the midterm/intermediate exams will be approved in the Comisión Académica de Grado (CAG) and will be available at the beginning of each academic semester. 
  • CA tests will be carried out only in the dates defined by the professors. These CA tests cannot be repeated later.
  • The grades obtained in the CA and other exams and practical projects are only valid for the current academic year. 
  • CA will be just considered in the ordinary exam. In the extraordinary exam and in the end-of-program exam only GA will be valid. 
  • Plagiarism is regarded as serious dishonest behavior. If any form of plagiarism is detected in any of the tests or exams, the final grade will be FAIL (0), and the incident will be reported to the corresponding academic authorities for prosecution.
Students who sit CA in the ordinary exam will be assessed as follows:  
  • CA tests will be 100% of the final remark of the student. This assessment mechanism consists of five CA tests that have been previously described (a multiple-choice test with a minimum required grade of 1.5 points out of 4., two practices during B sessions, delivery of code and documentation of the practical project proposed for group classes, and the presentation of its main design and implementation decisions, including a real-time demo of its functioning). Note that the student makes a commitment to follow-up CA by submitting the first practice of B sessions, thus renouncing the GA mechanism.

Students who sit GA in the ordinary exam will be assessed as follows:
  • A final exam that these students will take in the official date published at This test will include short-answer questions and/or multiple-choice tests, along with problems and practical use cases to be analyzed and resolved. The weight of this exam in the final remark is 50%. Note that support materials are not allowed. The minimum required grade is 3.75 points out of 5.
  • Submission of a practical project that will include software and documentation to justify design decisions and describe implementation details. The weight of this project in the final remark is 50%. Note that that each student must submit this project individually.

Students who did not pass the subject in the ordinary exam will have an  extraordinary exam where they cannot be assessed via CA, so that only GA is valid. Therefore, these students must (i) take the final exam (in the official date published at and (ii) submit individually the practical project (in the date published by professors at Moovi platform), as described above for the GA mechanism. The weight of each part in the final remark will be 50%.  The same assessment mechanism is valid for the end-of-program exam.

Students who achieved at least 5 points but did not meet the minimum requirement in the theory part of the subject will be assessed as failed with a score of 4.9. This applies to any call.

During the execution of the academic activities for this subject, the use of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) is permitted. Its use must be ethical, critical, and responsible. If using GAI, any result it provides must be critically evaluated, and any generated citation or reference must be carefully verified. Additionally, it is recommended to declare the use of the tools employed.

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