Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Radio Spectrum Management
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practical These practices are made in groups. In some cases the qualification of each student will be the one of the group and in others by means of an individual exam about the practice. 30 C21
Practices through ICT Calculation of the coverage area of an AM radio station. This practice is made in groups but will be evaluated individually by means of the assistance, the performance during the realisation and by means of the memory of the practice delivered by the group. 10 B6
Objective questions exam Individual exam with questions and problems from the contents of the lectures. 20 B5
Objective questions exam Individual exam with questions and problems from the contents of the lectures. 40 B5
Other comments on the Evaluation

1) Ordinary call. We offer students two ways of assessment:
continuous assessment and global assessment. Students will have to
opt by one of them. After one moneth, the delivery of a report or participation in anyone
of the exams of continuous
evaluation means that you opt by this type of assessment and your
qualification could not  be "not presented". The attendance to, at least, 70% of the
practices is compulsory if you opt by continuous assessment.

1.a) Continuous assessment. Assessment will be made according to
the results of the report of the computer practice, the tests of the lab
practices and the two exams about the lecture contents. One of these
exams will be conducted at the middle of the lecture period and will
encompass the matter delivered till the date of the exam. The other
exam, about all the matter, will take place after the end of the
lectures. The assessment of the practical work will have a weight of 40% in the final grade and the assessment of the theory will have the other 60%. These tasks are not recoverable and only are valid for the

In order to guarenteee that all the competences are acquired, three conditions should be met¡ to pass the matter:

1) Get a qualification equal or larger than 5 (over 10) in the theory part.

2) Get a qualification equal or larger than 5 (over 10) in the practice part.

3) Get a final qualification, calculated as weighted sum of the activitiies marks, equal or larger than 5 (over 10). 

If condition 3) is met, but not 1) or 2), the final qualification will be 4.9

1.b) Global assessment. Students
that do not opt by continuous assessment will have an exam about the
lectures contents (60%) and another one about the practices (40%) in the
official exam date fixed by the School.

In order to guarenteee that all the competences are acquired, three conditions should be met¡ to pass the matter:

1) Get a qualification equal or larger than 5 (over 10) in the theory part.

2) Get a qualification equal or larger than 5 (over 10) in the practice part.

3) Get a final qualification, calculated as weighted sum of the activitiies marks, equal or larger than 5 (over 10). 

If condition 3) is met, but not 1) or 2), the final qualification will be 4.9

2) Extraordinary call. Students
that opted previously by continuous assessment
will have the chance to repeat just the exam about the lecture contents
(60%) or take a full exam of the subject (100%), including lectures
(60%) and practices (40%). They will have to tell to the coordinator of
the subject about the option they choose before the
official date of the exam. The rest of the students will take a full
exam of the subject (100%), including lectures (60%) and practices

In order to guarenteee that all the competences are acquired, three conditions should be met¡ to pass the matter:

1) Get a qualification equal or larger than 5 (over 10) in the theory part.

2) Get a qualification equal or larger than 5 (over 10) in the practice part.

3) Get a final qualification, calculated as weighted sum of the activitiies marks, equal or larger than 5 (over 10). 

If condition 3) is met, but not 1) or 2), the final qualification will be 4.9

3) End-of-program call. Full exam of the subject (100%), including lectures (60%) and practices (40%).

In order to guarentee that all the competences are acquired, three conditions should be met¡ to pass the matter:

1) Get a qualification equal or larger than 5 (over 10) in the theory part.

2) Get a qualification equal or larger than 5 (over 10) in the practice part.

3) Get a final qualification, calculated as weighted sum of the activitiies marks, equal or larger than 5 (over 10).  If condition 3) is met, but not 1) or 2), the final qualification will be 4.9

Plagiarism is regarded as serious dishonest behavior. If any form of plagiarism is detected in any of the tests or exams, the final grade will be FAIL (0), and the incident will be reported to the corresponding academic authorities for prosecution.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000