Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Electronic Systems for Signal Processing
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Problem and/or exercise solving There will be a short-answer test on the theoretical issues of the course. More information is provided in the "Other Comments" section below.

This test will assess competencies C39 and C45.
20 C39
Laboratory practice Laboratory practices will be evaluated based on the continuously work carried out during the laboratory hours (Type B hours) and on a final report of the practices.

These practices will assess competencies B4, B6, B13, C39, C45 y D4.
35 B4
Project The students will develop a project focused on the design of a signal processing system of medium complexity. More information is provided in the "Other Comments" section that follows.

This project will assess competencies B4, B6, B9, B13, C39, C45, D2 and D4.
40 B4
Presentation The project will be presented orally. More information is provided in the "Other comments" section.

This activity will assess competencies B4, B9 and D4.
5 B4
Other comments on the Evaluation

According to the guidelines for the degree programme, two
evaluation systems will be offered to students: continuous assessment (CA) and global assessment (GA).

It is considered that a student opts for CA when he/her takes more than two laboratory practices. In no case can the final grade of a student who opts for CA be "No Submitted". However, the CA may be waived and the GA may be opted for, upon request by email, within a maximum period of one month before the end of the semester.

1.- Continuous assessment

continuous assessment, both the ordinary and the extraordinary call, consists of a theoretical exam, a set of laboratory
practices, a theoretical-practical work (project)and the oral presentation of the project.

The schedule of the assessment activities will be published in a shared calendar and will be available at the beginning of each academic semester.

1.1 Theoretical exam (NExam):

The theoretical exam will include all the theoretical
contents of the course and will take place at the end of the term. The weight
of this assessment will be 2 points out of 10.

1.2 Laboratory practices (NPrac):

The laboratory practices will be performed in groups of two or
more students. The evaluation of the labs will take in to account both, the work
in the laboratory as well as a final report. The weight of this assessment is
3.5 point out of 10. The work in the laboratory will be individually evaluated and
represent the 60% of the score. The remaining 40% correspond to the final
report and will be the same for all the members of a working group.

Laboratory practices are compulsory. To cualify for a practical mark, students must attend at least 80% of the practices.

1.3 Theoretical-practical work (NPro):

The theoretical-practical work will be conducted in type B and C hours,
in groups of two or more students. As a result of the work a writing report and
the implemented system must be delivered.
The weight of this assessment is 4 points out of 10.

carry out the theoretical-practical work individual and cooperative tasks will
be assigned to the students. The weight of the individual work will be the 60%
of the maximum score of the project and the weight of the cooperative work will
be the 40%. The 40% of the score corresponding the cooperative work will be the
same for all the members of a working group.

1.4 Oral presentation of the theoretical-practical work (NPre):

The students must present the results of the theoretical-practical work. The weight of this activity is 0.5 points out of 10. The oral presentation will be at the end of the semester, on the same date as the theoretical exam.

1.5 Final grade (Final_grade):

The final grade for the continuous assessment correspond to:

= (0.2*NExam + 0.35*NPrac + 0.4*NPro + 0.05*NPre) if Nexam, NPrac and NPro are greater or
equal to 4 and Final_grade is greater or equal to 5;

= min[(0.2*NExam + 0.35*NPrac + 0.4*NPro + 0.05*NPre), 4.9] in any other case. 

Students who fail any of the assessment activities in the ordinary call will have the
possibility to repeat it/them in the extraordinary call. In this case the students
would be evaluated only of the part they have not pass (theoretical exam, laboratory
practices and/or project). The grade obtained in the extraordinary call will replace
the previous one.

2.- Global assessment and End-of-program exam

Students who opt for the global assessment or for the end-of-program exam must pass two assessments, a theoretical one covering all the
contents of the subject and a practical one.

2.1 Theoretical exam (NExam_G):

The theoretical examination would include short answer questions,
problems, and/or system design exercises.

 2.2 Practical exam (NPra_G):

The practical examination will consist in the final test of a
previously designed and simulated system. One week before the date established
for the exam the student must submit a writing report of the designed system as
well as the simulation results.  During the practical exam the student
will validate the system designed in the hardware.

the theoretical and the practical exam will weigh 50% of the final grade.

2.3 Final grade (Final_grade_G):

final grade of the global assessment and the end-of-program exam will
correspond to:

Final_grade_G = (0.5*NExam_G + 0.5*NPrac_G) if Nexam_G and NPrac_G are greater or equal to 4 and
Final_grade_G is greater or equal to 5;

Final_grade_G = min[(0.5*NExam_G + 0.5*NPrac_G), 4.9] in any other case. 

who opt for the global assessment and do not pass the subject in the ordinary call, will have another opportunity in the extraordinary call. In this case, only the part(s) they have failed (theory and/or
practice) will be evaluated

3.- Other comments

  • The students can use the Spanish, English or Galician to answer the exam an for the reports, works or presentations.
  • The grades obtained from the continuous assessment or for the global assessment are only valid for the current academic year.
  • The use of books, notes or electronic devices such as phones or computers is not permitted in any classroom test or exam. Mobile phones must be turned off and be out of reach of the student.
  • Plagiarism is regarded as serious dishonest behavior. If any form of plagirism is detected in any of the test or exams, the final grade will be FAIL (0), and the incident will be reported to the corresponding academic authorities for prosecution.
  • In the event that a student leaves a work group or commits plagiarism, his/her final grade will be FAIL (0), but it will not affect the grade of the rest of the group.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000