Guia docente 2024_25
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Electronic technology
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Essay questions exam They are part of each partial theory exam. The number of tests and the policy are detailed in 'Other comments' section. 35 C14
Problem and/or exercise solving They are part of each partial theory exam. The number of tests and the policy are detailed in 'Other comments' section. 35 C14
Laboratory practice They are carried out in the laboratory. They consist of the type of tasks carried out or prepared during the practices of the subject: the practical tests consist of real assembly of circuits, carrying out measurements on them and questions related to those circuits and/or simulation of circuits equal or similar to those studied in the practices and questions related to that simulation. 30 B13
Other comments on the Evaluation

A continuous assessment (CA)
procedure is established based on partial theory and laboratory exams, but
students can alternatively opt for a global assessment (GA).

Students are considered to opt
for CA from the time they attend the first partial exam, whether it is of the theory
or laboratory kind. Students will be able to renounce the CA and opt for the GA
until the date in which the first partial exam of laboratory practices is
carried out (after the first month of the course).

1. Continuous

Students who opt for the CA
modality will have two assessment opportunities, the ordinary and the

1.1 Ordinary exam for continuous assessment:

The CA is divided into a theory part (70% of the final grade) and another
of laboratory practical (30% of the final grade). The planning of the different
exams will be published in a shared calendar and will be available at the
beginning of the semester.

Regarding the theory part:

  • The theoretical part of the
    subject is evaluated through three exams that will be carried out within the
    schedule assigned to the subject.
  • The weight of each exam is 23,33%
    of the final grade.
  • Student passes this part if
    they obtain a grade greater than or equal to 4 out of 10 in each of the exams.
  • The TG (theory grade) is the
    average of the three partial exams.

Regarding laboratory exams:

  • The practical part of the
    subject is evaluated through two partial exams that are carried out within the
    class hours assigned to the laboratories.
  • The weight of each exam is 15%
    of the final grade.
  • The attendance to the laboratory
    sessions is mandatory. Students must complete at least 80% of the sessions.
  • This part is passed if a grade
    greater than or equal to 4 out of 10 is obtained in each of the partial exams.
  • The laboratory grade LG is the
    average grade of the two partials.

Final grade (FG):

The final grade of the continuous assessment is obtained as follows:

FG = (TG*0.7 + LG*0.3) if the grades of all the theory and laboratory
partials are greater than or equal to 4 points out of 10 and FG is greater than
or equal to 5,

FG = min [(TG*0.7 + LG*0.3), 4.9] otherwise.

On the date of the final exam, it will be possible to recover the failed
partial exams, both theory and practical.

1.2 Extraordinary Opportunity of CA:

Students who do not pass one or more of the
partial exams of the ordinary opportunity can recover them in the extraordinary

The final grade is obtained in the same
way as that of the ordinary opportunity.

2. Global assessment (GA):

Students who choose GA will have two assessment opportunities, the ordinary
and the extraordinary.

In both cases the evaluation will consist of two exams, one of the
theoretical part (TG) of the subject with a weight of 70% and another of the
laboratory part (LG) with a weight of 30%.

The final grade (FG) of the continuous assessment is obtained as follows:

FG = (TG*0.7 + LG*0.3) if the grades of all the theory and laboratory
partials are greater than or equal to 4 points out of 10 and FG is greater than
or equal to 5,

FG = min [(TG*0.7 + LG*0.3), 4.9] otherwise.

3. End-of-program call:

The end-of-program assessment will be the same as that described for the global

Other comments:

  • Any other information/recommendation regarding
    the organization of the subject will be published on the subject's
  • During exams, smart electronic devices must be
    turned off and out of the reach of students.
  • Plagiarism is regarded as serious dishonest
    behavior. If any form of plagiarism is detected in any of the tests or
    exams, the final grade will be FAIL (0), and the incident will be reported
    to the corresponding academic authorities for prosecution.


Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000