Guia docente 2024_25
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial
Máster Universitario en Enxeñaría Industrial
  Laser Technology Applied to Industrial Production
   Contingency plan
The contents and the results of learning will not owe to be modified for power guarantee the collected in the memories of the qualifications. It owes to treated to adjust the materials, tutorships and the teaching methodologies to treat to achieve these results. It treats of an aspect of big importance stop the overrun of the processes of the one who are subjected the different qualifications. And say, the plan of contingency owes to based in a development of the subject, adapting the methodologies and the materials, in the research of the fulfilment of the resulted of learning of all the students.

The teaching methodologies will impart , to be necessary, to the telematic means that put the disposal of the teaching staff, in addition to the documentation facilitated through FAITIC and other platforms, email, etc.

When it was not possible to presential sesions, in the measure of the possible, will prevail the contained theorists by telematic means as well as those contents of practices of resolution of problems, classroom of computing, and others, that can be virtuals or developed pole students of way guided, tried keep the presential stop the experimental practices of laboratory, always that the groups fulfil with the rule established in the moment by the authorities in sanitary subject and of security. In the case of no power be imparted of form presential, those contents no virtuals will impart or by others (autonomous work guided, etc.) Enabling achieve equally the competitions associated it they. The titorships will be able to developed indistinctly of form presential (always that it was possible to guarantee the sanitary measures) or telematic (and email and others) respecting or adapting the schedules of titorships due. it will do a adecuation methodological to the students of risk, facilitating him additional specific information, to accredit that can not have access to the contained imparted of conventional form.

Additional information envelope to evaluation: they will keep those proofs that already come realizing of telematic form and, in the measure of the possible, will keep the proofs presentials to the normative valid medic. The proofs will develop of form presential except Resolution Reitoral that indicate that they owe do of form non-presential, realizing gave way through the distinct tools put the disposal of the teaching staff. Those proofs no-don of telematic form by others (deliveries of autonomous work guided, etc.)
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000