Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Máster Universitario en Enxeñaría Industrial
  Design of Industrial Electronic Systems
Topic Sub-topic
Topic 1: Introduction to Microcontrollers
Introduction. Components of a Microcontroller. Memory Architectures. Instruction Set Architectures. Selection Criteria.
Topic 2: Characteristics of Microcontrollers Introduction. Overview of the Internal Structure. Arithmetic and Logic Unit. Program Memory. Data Memory. Peripherals. ESP32 Microcontrollers.
Topic 3: Programming a Microcontroller. Instruction Set. Concept of a Computer Program. Abstraction Level. Structure of Instructions. Classification of Instructions. C language.
Topic 4: Microcontroller peripherals Introduction. Basics of Parallel Input/Output. Information Transfer Control. Input/Output Structures. Basic Structure of a Timer. Timers/Counters in a ESP32. Interruptions. Interruptions in a ESP32.
Topic 5: Industrial Communications Elements of a Communications System. Selection and Design Parameters: Electromagnetic Spectrum, Time Domain and Frequency. Noise.
Topic 6: Linear and Switch-Mode Power Sources
Introduction to Linear Power Sources. Rectifiers. Rectified Voltage Filtering. Types of Regulators. Parts of a Lineal Regulator. Integrated Lineal Regulators. Introduction to Switch-Mode Power Sources. Applications.
Topic 7: AC-to-DC Converters (Rectifiers) Introduction. Classification. Non-Controlled Rectifiers. Associative Configuration of Rectifiers. Three-Phase Rectifiers. Losses Evaluation. Applications.
Topic 8: AC-to-AC Converters Introduction. Classification. Monophasic AC Regulators. Three-Phase AC Regulators. Control of AC Regulators. Applications.
Topic 9: DC-to-AC Converters (Inverters) Introduction. Classification. Single-Phase Inverters. Three-Phase Inverters. Output Voltage Control. Output Filtering. Applications.
Topic 10: DC-to-DC Converters Introduction. Classification. Step-Down Converter (Buck). Step-Up Converter (Boost). Step-Up-and-Down Converter (Buck-Boost). Control of DC-to-DC Converters. Applications.
Topic 11: Reliabitily of Electronic Components, Circuits, Systems and Facilities Introduction and Definitions. Reliability. Unreliability. Other Parameters. Failure Mechanisms of Electronic Components.
Reliability of Assembled Components and Connectors. Failure Rate Estimation for Electronic Components. Series and Parallel Systems. Redundant Systems: Types, Calculations of Parameters and Optimization.
Topic 12: Availability, Maintainability and Safety Introduction and Definitions. Availability of Series and Parallel Systems. Definition and Types of Maintainability. Maintainability Parameters. Maintainability Parameters Determination. Applications and Critical Variables in Circuits, Systems and Facilities. Definitions Related to Safety. Electronic Systems for Safety Related Applications. Safety Standards.
Laboratory Session 1: Programming and Debugging Environment for Microcontrollers Introduction to the software and hardware tools for the design, simulation and test of applications for the ESP32 microcontroller family.
Laboratory Session 2: Parallel Communications
ESP32 Parallel communications peripheral programming and testing
Laboratory Session 3: Uncontrolled Rectifiers Half-Wave Mono-Phase Rectifier with R-L Load. Half-Wave Mono-Phase Rectifier with R-L Load and Free-Wheeling Diode. Mono-Phase Rectifier with R-L Load and Free-Wheeling Diode.
Laboratory Session 4: Inverters Mono-Phase Full-Bridge Inverter Analisis. PWM Modulation.

Laboratory Session 5: DC-to-DC Converter Step-Down (Buck) Converter Analysis. Continuous and Non-Continuous Operating Mode. Load Regulation.
Laboratory Session 6: Reliability
Analysis of the reliabilty of an electronic circuit according to the MIL-HDBK-217F. Analysis and optimization of reduncant parallel and series systems.
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