Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Máster Universitario en Enxeñaría Industrial
  Design of Industrial Electronic Systems
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Report of practices, practicum and external practices The laboratory sessions will be evaluated in a continuous way, on each session. The applied criteria are:
- A minimum attendance of 80% of the sessions
- Punctuality
- Previous task preparation of the sessions
- Make the most of the session

The practical sessions will be held in groups of two students. The documents of the practices will be available prior to the sessions. The students will fill a report, that will be delivered when the session ends. This report serves to justify both the attendance and how they have done the work asked for.
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Self-assessment It will consist in the individual realisation of 3 test related to the thematic blocks.

The tests can be done by telematic means in lecture hours throughout the semester, and if it is this case, its correction will be automatic and immediate.

The tests may consist of multiple choice questions, closed answer questions and analysis problems with numerical answer.

Each test will have a maximum score of 10 points and the final grade of this evaluation [NT] will be the average of the three tests. To be able to make this average it is necessary to obtain, in each of the tests, a minimum score of 2 points out of 10. If any of the tests does not reach 2 points out of 10, the mark of this test will be the final grade [NT].
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Other comments on the Evaluation

Ordinary exam for continuous assessment

The final mark [NAEC] that will be on the record, is taken from the weighted sum of the practical and assessment marks.

NAEC = 0.3 * NP + 0.7 * NT

Ordinary exam for global assessment

It will be necessary to sit a theoretical exam [NTEG], on the date established by the center for the ordinary exam, and a practical laboratory exam [NPEG], on a date to be agreed depending on the availability of laboratories and non-coincidence with other exams of the same course.

Each of these exams will be evaluated on a score of 10 points. If the theoretical exam is taken, and the student does not show for the practical, the [NPEG] grade will be zero (0,0).

The final mark that will go to the record [NAEG] will be the average of both exams. That is to say:

NAEG = ( NTEG + NPEG ) / 2

Extraordinary exam for continuous assessment

In this exam, the practical note from the ordinary exam will be kept, and it will be necessary to sit the parts of the self-assessment blocks that have not passed the 5-point mark.

The theory mark [NTE] in the extraordinary exam will be the average of the parts previously approved, and of the parts to which it has been sit.

The grade that will go to the records [NAEEC] will be the weighted sum of the practical and self-assessment grades.

NAEEC = 0.3 * NP + 0.7 * NTE

Extraordinary exam for global assessment

It will be necessary to sit a theoretical exam [NTEEG], on the date established by the center for the ordinary call, and a practical laboratory exam [NPEEG], on a date to be agreed depending on the availability of laboratories and non-coincidence with other exams of the same course.

Each of these exams will be evaluated on a score of 10 points. If the theoretical exam is taken, and the student does not show up for the practical, the grade [NPEEG] will be zero (0,0).

The grade that will go to the record [NAEEG] will be the average of both exams. That is to say:


End-of-program exam

It will be necessary to sit a theoretical exam [NTFDC], on the date established by the center for the ordinary call, and a practical laboratory exam [NPFDC], on a date to be agreed depending on the availability of laboratories and non-coincidence with other exams of the same course.

Each of these exams will be evaluated on a score of 10 points. If the theoretical exam is taken, and the student does not show up for the practical, the grade [NPFDC] will be zerp (0,0).

The note that will go to the [NAFDC] record will be the average of both exams. That is to say:


Ethical commitment

Whoever takes the subject is expected to have a correct ethical behavior. In the case of detecting unethical behavior (copying, plagiarism, use of unauthorized electronic devices, and others) it will be considered that it does not meet the necessary requirements to pass the subject. In this case, the overall grade for this academic year will be fail (0.0) and the school authorities will be notified for the appropriate purposes.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000