Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Máster Universitario en Enxeñaría Industrial
  Thermal Technology I
Topic Sub-topic
Installations with cycle of steam and of gas. Introduction to the thermal head offices.
Main components.
Cycles Rankine, Brayton and combined.
Thermal balance.
Thermal performance.
Study of the humid air. Introduction.
Variables psycrometrics.
Diagrams psycometrics.
Cooling towers.
Industrial fuels and his combustion. Classification of the fuels.
Properties of the fuels.
Types of combustion.
Burners and boilers. Definitions.
Types of burners.
Classification of boilers.
Energetic balance.
Processes of spill. Nozzles and diffusers.
Machines and thermal engines. Generalities and fundamental processes.
Components of the engines.
Thermodynamic analysis.
Characteristic parameters.
Pumping of heat. Definitions.
Cycle of Carnot reverse.
Cycle of mechanical compression.
Bomb of heat.
Refrigeration by absorption.
Application of the renewable energies. Thermal solar energy.
Geothermal energy.
Biomass and residual fuels.
Heat exchangers. Introduction. Types of exchangers.
Analysis of exchangers of heat.
- Method DTLM
- Method NTU
-- Laboratory practices. - Study of the flame propagation.
- Higrometric study of the air.
- Study of the heat exchangers.
- Study of the engines of 2T.
- Study of the engines of 4T.
- Study of heat pump.
- Energetic balance of a boiler.
- Visit to a boilers room.
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