Guia docente 2024_25
Facultad de Biología
Grado en Biología
  Ecology II

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Environmental analysis and diagnosis/V02G030V01902
Biodiversity: management and conservation/V02G030V01905
Management and Conservation of spaces/V02G030V01910

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Ecology I/V02G030V01501
Other comments
Students who opt for continuous evaluation must take two partial written exams, the first in March (30% of the final grade) and the second in June (33% of the final grade). If you fail the first partial and/or the second, you must go to the July exam (2nd opportunity). The July exam (2nd opportunity) will be related to the theoretical subject not passed during the 1st opportunity (first, second or both partials). The practices (including the presentation of the report), as well as the activities related to the Seminar and Debate, must be carried out compulsorily, regardless of the evaluation modality chosen. Students who opt for the global evaluation modality, and who have attended and completed the Practices, the Seminar, and the Debate appropriately, must take a final test in June that will include questions related to the theoretical contents evaluated in the two midterms integrated into the continuous evaluation. In all the exams (first partial, second partial and the July exam) the same criteria will be followed: the grade of 4.5 must be exceeded in all of them so that the grade from the other evaluable sections in the subject can be added (seminars, report of practices, debate...). In case of failing the subject on the second opportunity, the notes from practices and seminars will be saved for the following academic year 2025/26. A student will appear as "not presented" when she/he does not appear for the 1st and/or 2nd opportunity written exams. The final exam schedule can be consulted at the following link: http:/
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