Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Grado en Lenguas Extranjeras
  Historia del primer idioma extranjero: Inglés
Tema Subtema
1. Introduction. Historical background. Historical Linguistics and Language Change. Methods, materials and limitations.
2. English and its Germanic background. The PIE and Germanic roots of English. Cognates and loan words. Sound laws.
3. The sounds and words of Old English. OE writing and sounds. OE vocabulary. Language contact in OE.
4. The sounds and words of Middle English.

Orthographic and sound changes from OE to ME. Language contact and vocabulary in ME.
5. Morphology from Old English to Middle English. Loss of inflection. Pronouns. Nouns. Demonstratives. Adjectives. Verbs.
6. Syntax from Old to Middle English.
Verb Periphrases. Word order.
8. Early Modern English. Phonology and spelling. Morphology and syntax. Lexical change and dictionary making.
8. Dialects in early English.
Main features of OE and ME dialects. The development of standard English.
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