Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Grao en Linguas Estranxeiras
  Primeiro idioma estranxeiro VI: Inglés
Tema Subtema
1. Language Focus (Grammar) Key Aspects:
Reported speech, determiners & pronouns, future forms, emphasis, participle clauses, noun phrases, inversion, conjunctions, linking adverbials, modal verbs.
2. Speaking Key Aspects:
Oral production practice and comprehension on a wide array of topics and everyday situations (Feeling good, Modern world, Going places, Home is where the heart is, Cultural values, The world around us)

Speaking Task Types:
Three-way Conversation, Three-Way Interaction, Collaborative Discussion, Long-Turn with Partner Response.
3. Reading & Use of English Key Aspects:
Analysis of texts from the wide array of types and topics stated in 2. Vocabulary on the following topics will be covered: Risk and health, Cost and amount, Anger, Describing an adventure, Describing places, Expressions with house and home, Sight, Expressions and phrases with work, Adverbs expressing attitude or opinion.

Reading and Vocabulary Task Types:
Multiple Choice cloze & open cloze, Multiple matching, Gapped text, Key word transformation, Cross-text multiple matching, Word formation.
4. Writing Writing Key Aspects:
Techniques for writing essays, articles and reviews (Organization, Brainstorming, Structure, Writing Tips)

Writing Task Types:
Essay, proposal and review writing tasks which specify the type of text you have to write, your purpose for writing and the person or people you have to write for.
5. Listening Key Aspects:
CD, DVD and Web Streaming recordings related to the contents of sections 7-12

Listening Task Types:
Multiple choice and matching, Sentence completion.
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