Guia docente 2024_25
Centro Universitario da Defensa da Escola Naval Militar de Marín
Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica
  Graphic expression: Graphic expression
Topic Sub-topic
Section I. Descriptive geometry.
Unit 1. Introduction to the representation systems.
1.1. Projective geometry. projective invariants.
1.2. Orthogonal projection system.
1.3. Dihedral system.
1.4. Axonometric system.
1.5. Conic system.

Section I. Descriptive geometry.
Unit 2. Dihedral system.
2.1. General principles.
2.2. Representation of point, line, plane and volume.
2.3. Distances and true magnitude.
2.4. Intersections.
2.5. Relative positions: Parallelism, Perpendicularity.
Section I. Descriptive geometry.
Unit 3. Orthogonal projection system.
3.1. Point, straight line and plane. Line of maximum slope on a plane.
3.2. Intersections. Application to covers and roofs.
3.3. Straight lines, surfaces and lands. Generalities and applications.
Section I. Descriptive geometry.
Unit 4. Curves of Engineering.
4.1. Involute and evolute. Tracing and applications.
4.2. Rolling curves: cycloid, epicycloid and hypocycloid. Tracing and applications.
Section II. Standardised representation.
Unit 5. Introduction - The technical drawing and the standardisation.
5.1. The Graphic Expression.
5.2. Standardization in Technical Drawing.
5.3. Regulation, specification and standard.
5.4. Types of standards.
5.5. Basic standards of Technical Drawing.
Block II. Standardised representation.
Unit 6. Technical drawing basis.
6.1. Visualisation and representation of body shapes.
6.2. Methods of arrangements of views.
6.3. Types of views.
6.4. Cuts and sections.
6.5. Other conventionalisms: intersections, symmetrical pieces, interrupted views,
repetitive elements, details, etc.
Section II. Standardised representation.
Unit 7. Elements and ways of dimensioning.
7.1. General principles and basic standards.
7.2. Types of dimensioning.
7.3. Dimensioning elements.
7.4. Symbols.
7.5. Arrangement of dimensions.
7.6. Special indications (radii, equidistant elements, etc.).
7.7. Dimensioning systems.
7.8. Other indications (missing dimensions, particular specifications, etc.).
Section II. Standardised representation.
Unit 8. Representation of standardised elements.
8.1. Standardized elements.
8.2. Representation of mechanical connections.
- Definition of threaded joints.
- Types of threads.
- Conventional representation of threads.
- Representation of riveted connections.
8.3. Representation of welded joints.
8.4. Representation of standard mechanical elements.
- Springs.
- Shafts.
- Keyways and grooves.
- Bearings.
- Gears, chains and pulleys.
Section II. Standardised representation.
Unit 9. Representation of groups.
9.1. Representation of mechanical groups.
9.2. Rules for the preparation of group drawings.
9.3. Reference of elements.
9.4. List of pieces.
9.5. Designation standardised materials.
9.6. Breakdown drawing.
9.7. Numbering of planes.
Section II. Standardised representation.
Unit 10. Tolerances systems and surface finishes.
10.1. Basics and need of tolerances.
10.2. Dimensional tolerances and adjustment.
10.3. Standardized tolerances: UNE-ISO notation.
10.4. Geometrical tolerances.
10.5. Finishings and surface quality treatments.
Section II. Standardised representation.
Unit 11. Symbology and schematic representations.
11.1. Introduction and standards of application.
11.2. Characteristic of the symbols.
11.3. Classes of symbols and codes.
11.4. Standardised symbols.
11.5. Graphic symbols for diagrams.
11.6. Typology of diagrams according to their nature and application.
11.7. Practical applications of schematic representations in Engineering.
- Electrical system.
- Pneumatic system.
- Hydraulic system.
Practical Activity 1 (CAD 3D) Basic design procedure: from sketch to solid.
Practical Activity 2 (CAD 3D) Sketching and modeling tools (I).
Practical Activity 3 (CAD 3D) Sketching and modeling tools (II).
Practical Activity 4 (CAD 3D) Sketching and modeling tools (III).
Practical Activity 5 (CAD 3D) Assembly drawings
Practical Activity 6 (CAD 3D) Generation of views and plans.
Practical Activity 7 (CAD 3D) Resolution of a case study
Practical Activity 8 (CAD 2D) File formats and management. Setting. Drawing and modification tools (I). Line drawing by coordinates.
Practical Activity 9 (CAD 2D) Drawing and modification tools (II). Object snap and trace.
Practical Activity 10 (CAD 2D) Drawing and modification tools (III). Point and line formats.
Practical Activity 11 (CAD 2D) Layer editing. Text and dimension formats. Scaling.
Practical Activity 12 (CAD 2D) Presentation and drawing of plans. 2D sketching.
Practical Activity 13 (CAD 2D) Blocks, attributes and external references.
Practical Activity 14 (CAD 2D) Resolution of a case study
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