Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Forestal
Grado en Ingeniería Forestal
  Forest Fires
Topic Sub-topic
1. Forest fires. Definition. General characteristics. Causality. Socioeconomic implications. Statistics. Repercussion throughout the world, the Mediterranean and Spain.
2. Flammability and combustibility. Heat transfer. Phases of combustion in case of fire. The temperature during forest fires.
3 forest fuels.
Typology. The physical-chemical behavior with influence in the world. Models of fuel.
4 Influence of meteorological and topographic factors on the spread of fire.
Relative humidity and temperature. Precipitation. Winds. Heat inversion. Electric storms. Atmospheric stability.
5 Variables of basic behavior of forest fires.

Empirical physical and empirical models of propagation. Prediction systems. The dynamics of high intensity fires. The factors they cause. Fires of glasses. Fires of points.
6 Fire Prevention.
Analysis of the causes. Determining sites. The educational legislation. Coercive work.
The rates of fire hazard. Spanish system. Systems from America, Canada and Australia.
7 Preventive forestry. Activities related to forest fires. Influence of problems in the planning of forest fires. Firewall and firewall areas.
Preventive forestry techniques. Amendments arborea vegetation. Scrub fuel control techniques. The prescribed burning schedule. Ignition techniques. Execution. Evaluation.
8 Organization of a permanent fire protection structure.
Extinction techniques. Basic principles. Lines.Lineas control lines. Direct attack The indirect attack.
9. Hand tools and equipment for security personnel. Means of aerial combat in it fires. Characteristics general types, advantages and use limitacións.El auga.Retardantes: types, effects and applications.
10 Influence of forest fires on ecosystems.
Adaptations of vegetation fires. Fire regimes. Post-secondary world.
Impact of fire on the ground.
Erosive effects of forest fires. Change the fire hydrologicos.Repelencia after the infiltration of water. Changes in the PTO.
11 Restoration of burned areas. Actions to control erosion. Revegetación: Techniques, spices, advantages and limitations
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