Guia docente 2023_24
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte
  Research methodology and statistics in physical activity and sport
Topic Sub-topic
Part 1-Introduction to scientific research in physical activity and sport. Steps and elements of the research process 1.1 The scientific method of resolution of problems.
1.2 Parts of a paper and a tesis.
1.3 Types of research: analytical, descriptive, experimental, qualitative.
1.4 Reliability and validity.
Part 2-Data analysis and applied statistics. Lesson 2: An introduction to Statistics. One
dimensional descriptive statistics.
2.1 Statistics and scientific research.
2.2 Basic concepts: population, sample, variables.
2.3 Tabulated and graphical description.
2.4 Measures of central tendency, spread, skewness, and kurtosis.

Lesson 3. Two dimensional descriptive statistics.
3.1 Qualitative data analysis: contingency tables, graphical description
and dependency measures.
3.2 Box-plot diagram of a variable recorded by groups. Comparison of
mean and variance.
3.3 Covariance and linear correlation.
3.4 Simple linear regression model.

Lesson 4: Introduction to Statistical Inference and probability models.
4.1. Introduction to statistical inference.
4.2. Probability: basic concepts.
4.3. The normal distribution. Applications.
4.4. Point estimation. The sample mean.
4.5. Calculation of the sample size.
4.6. Confidence intervals for mean and proportion

Lesson 5. Testing of Hypothesis.
5.1 Definition and classical methodology of testing: types of hypothesis, associated errors, significance level, critical region.
5.2 p-value.
5.3 Statement of hypotheses and interpretation of the main tests: normality tests, chi-square test of independence, t-test for comparison of means, Pearson correlation test.
Part 3- Information and communication technologies applied to data analysis Lesson 6: Analysis of real data with Calc and R Commander.
6.1 One-dimensional descriptive analysis.
6.2 Two-dimensional descriptive analysis.
6.3 Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals.
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